07.jpg (67291 bytes) 07a.jpg (143593 bytes)

"A Rugby Compendium" by John M Jenkins

Comprehensive look at English language rugby publications. This bibliography breaks down into different sections, biographies, development, coaching etc. Covers club histories in much greater detail than Dave McLaren's (New Zealand published) bibliography. Jenkins has scoured National Libraries and other institutions for information relating to rugby books. The quick view index at the back helps you find books by author, title or subject. The only drawback is that it only covers English language publications. It is an absolute MUST HAVE for the rugby book collector. Published by the British Library with illustrated boars and without a dust wrapper. This is a second-hand hardback in excellent condition

1st Edition: 1998

Pages: 322

Ref: bkmibp-jenkins1998compendium** - £25.00



 Coaching books up to 1950 can be found on the HISTORY page - this section is catalogued alphabetically by author.


99.jpg (38237 bytes)

"On Rugby" by Fred Allen

An excellent NZ coaching book by former All Blacks captain & coach Fred Allen, a second-hand hardback with a dust wrapper that has some wear to the edges.

Published in 1970

242 pages Ref: bkmich-allen1970on - £19.00


47.jpg (71847 bytes)

"Rugby" published by Auckland Rugby Union

NZ coaching book, a second-hand booklet, there is some light staining to the front cover, the condition is generally good

Published in 1952

Pages: 96

Ref: bkmich-auckland-rruo1952-rr-bl - £9.00


98.jpg (32883 bytes)

"Teaching Rugby to Boys" by Gordon Banks

A graduated programme for schools and clubs, second-hand paperback in very good condition

1st Edition: 1976

Pages: 111

Ref:  bkmich-banks1976teaching-pb - £7.00


15.jpg (71469 bytes)

"Dewch i Chawarae Rygbi" by Alun Wyn Bevan & Mel Morgans

Junior coaching book, well illustrated, text in Welsh, a second-hand paperback in good condition

published in 1986

84 pages

Ref:  TL103-bkmich-bevan1986dewch - £6.50


"Get Ready for Rugby Union" by Stuart Biddle, Barrie Corless, Anne de Looy & Peter Thomas

A complete training programme, in depth coaching from skills to mental preparation, a second-hand paperback in good condition

1st Edition: 1989

Pages: 128

Ref:  bkmich-biddle1989get - £7.50


12.jpg (160163 bytes)

"This is Rugby" edited by Don Cameron

An information booklet with coaching tips, published by Auckland Rugby Union and supported by Benson & Hedges. The booklet includes chapters by Grant Batty, Bryan Williams & Andy Leslie, a second-hand booklet in good condition

1st Edition: 1990

Pages: 128

Ref:  bkmich-cameron1975this-bl - £6.50


47.jpg (124586 bytes)

"Rugby Skills" by Will Carling

Well illustrated basic skills book aimed mainly at the backs, a second-hand paperback with some damp stains & light rippling throughout.

published in 1994

128 pages

Ref:  bkmich-carling1994skills-pb - £4.50


76.jpg (75218 bytes)

"The Way to Win" by Will Carling & Robert Heller

Strategies for success in business and sport, models of success in business and sport, a second-hand hardback with a dust wrapper in good condition

1st Edition: 1995

340 pages

Ref:  bkmich-carling1995way - £9.50


45.jpg (100052 bytes)

"Rugby Union - The Skills of the Game" by Barrie Corless

England international centre and RFU technical director for the Midlands passes on his knowledge, a second-hand paperback  in good condition

1st edition 1993

Pages: 121

Ref: bkmich-corless1993skills-pb** - £6.00


44.jpg (97166 bytes)

"Die ABC van Rugby, by Danie Craven

coaching book in Afrikaans, a second-hand hardback no dust wrapper in good condition

1st Edition: 1966

Pages: ???

Ref: bkmich-craven1966die.ABC - £25.00


"Teach Yourself Rugby Football"  by FNS Creek 

One of the highly successful 'Teach Yourself Books' series, this book was first published in 1950. Initially written by FNS Creek it was updated by the former England coach Don Rutherford in the latter editions. The publishers included English Universities Press Ltd and Hodder & Stoughton.

94.jpg (35532 bytes)

1963 Edition

196 pages

a second-hand hardback with dust wrapper in good condition

Ref: TL108-bkmich-creek1963teach* - £6.00

59.jpg (148869 bytes)

1970 Edition

192 pages

a second-hand hardback with a dust wrapper, in very good condition

Ref: bkmich-creek1970teach - £6.00

03.jpg (160483 bytes) 1975 1st paperback edition updated by Don Rutherford

published by Hodder & Stoughton

162 pages

a second-hand paperback with corner folds to the front cover

Ref: bkmich-creek1975teach-pb - £4.00

03.jpg (160483 bytes) 1978 paperback edition updated by Don Rutherford

162 pages

a second-hand paperback in good condition

Ref: bkmich-creek1978teach-pb* - £3.00


43.jpg (91084 bytes)

"Dallaglio On Rugby"  by Lawrence Dallaglio with Chris Jones

Dallaglio's analysis of the game, positions, tactics etc, a second-hand hardback with dust wrapper in good condition

1st Edition: 1998

Pages: 160

Ref: bkmich-dallaglio1998on-rr - £8.00


87.jpg (45607 bytes)

"Thinking Rugby " edited by John Dawes with Geoff Evans, Denis Horgan & Gareth James 

A coaching book co-ordinated by former Lions captain & Wales coach, a second-hand hardback with a dust wrapper in very good condition

1st Edition: 1979

Pages: 172

Ref: bkmich-dawes1979thinking* - £9.50


25.jpg (553517 bytes)

"The ABC of Rugby" by JJ de Kock

A pocket sized coaching book giving advice to players about the game, signed to the inside cover "to JBG Thomas, with compliments from JJ de Kock" a second-hand booklet with the staples rusted away and loose covers but generally in good condition, 

Published in 1962

70 pages

Ref: bkmich-de.kock1962.the.ABC-bl - £34.00


82.jpg (41170 bytes)

"Die ABC van Rugby" by JJ de Kock

Pocket sized coaching book, text in Afrikaans, a second-hand booklet in good condition, 

Published in 1962

66 pages

Ref: bkmich-de.kock1962die.ABC-bl - £19.00


81.jpg (17112 bytes)

"Die ABC van Rugby - Afskop" by JJ de Kock

Afskop we think is 'kick off' in Afrikaans. A pocket sized coaching book, text in Afrikaans, date of publication unknown, a second-hand booklet in good condition, 


16 pages

Ref: MC221-bkmich-de.kock-dauk.dieABC - £9.00


88.jpg (43579 bytes)

"Rugby Skills"  by Gareth Edwards with Ian Robertson 

A coaching book that looks at all rugby skills, a second-hand paperback  in good condition

1st Edition: 1979

Pages: 64

Ref: bkmich-edwards1979skills-pb**  - £6.00


89.jpg (51086 bytes)

"Forward Skills"  by Gareth Edwards with Ian Robertson

The skills of the game as demonstrated by Welsh forwards Terry Cobner, Allan Martin, Jeff Squire & Bobby Windsor, a  second-hand paperback in good condition

published in 1980

64 pages

Ref: bkmich-edwards1980forward-pb  - £5.00


"Know the Game - Rugby Union Football" published by Educational Productions Ltd 

A long running publication, published in many editions with the backing of the RFU, simple coaching featuring all round rugby skills, rules, equipment used etc. always published in booklet form. The publishers changed from EP Ltd to A  C Black in 1984.

14.jpg (62068 bytes)

1st Edition 1951

15,000 copies printed

48 pages

very good condition

Ref: bkch-know.the.game.1edn.1951-bl - £35.00 

78.jpg (66103 bytes)

10th Edition 3rd Revision 1978

48 pages

very good condition

Ref: bkmich-know.the.game.10edn.1978-bl  - £5.00 

78.jpg (66103 bytes)

10th Edition 3rd Revision reprinted in 1980

48 pages

very good condition

Ref: bkmich-know.the.game.10edn.1980-bl*  - £5.00


86.jpg (46948 bytes)

"Running Rugby" by Ray French

coaching from English international who switched codes, a second-hand hardback  with dust wrapper in good condition

1st Edition: 1980

Pages: 80

Ref: bkmich-french1980running - £7.00


86.jpg (46948 bytes)

"Running Rugby" by Ray French

Coaching from an English international who switched codes, a second-hand paperback  with a corner fold on the front cover

1st Edition: 1980

Pages: 80

Ref: bkmich-french1980running-pb - £3.00


28.jpg (246236 bytes)

"Think Rugby - A Guide to Purposeful Team Play" by JT Greenwood

An in depth modern coaching manual, fifteen-man rugby for coach and player, a second-hand paperback  in good condition

published in 1986

197 pages

Ref: bkmich-greenwood1986think-pb  - £12.00


73.jpg (149133 bytes)

"Rugby for Heroes" written by Norman Harris, illustrated by Paul Trevillion 

Nicely illustrated book focusing on basic skills and positional tactics and qualities. A second-hand paperback  in good condition.

1st Edition: 1997

96 pages

Ref: bkmich-harris1997heroes-bl  - £7.50


"Rugby Football - A Guide Book for Teachers Coaches & Players" text by Heale, edited by Campbell

Coaching book by the Curriculum Development Unit, Department of education, New Zealand, commended by the NZRFU.

 06.jpg (370435 bytes)

published in 1968 - text by Wills

A secondhand booklet, the front cover is a little grubby with minor marks elswhere in the publication otherwise it is in good condition

32 pages Ref: bkmich-nzrfu1968wills-bl - £7.50

13.jpg (83144 bytes)

published in 1977

A secondhand booklet in very good condition

80 pages Ref: bkmich-nzrfu1977heale-bl - £7.50

86.jpg (46374 bytes)

published in 1987

A secondhand booklet in very good condition

96 pages Ref: bkmich-nzrfu1987heale-bl - £9.50


24.jpg (326055 bytes) "Fundamental Team Tactics and Drills" by F M Heywood & K Cooper
A rare coaching booklet published at Rydal School, Colwyn Bay subitled "A Manual for Coaches and Plaayers". A secondhand booklet in good condition
2nd edition 1960  18 pages Ref: bkmich-heywood1960fundamental - £45.00


79.jpg (41246 bytes)

 "Rugby for Three-quarters" with Richard Hill and Peter Johnson

a very good book on the modern game, a second-hand paperback in good condition

1st Edition:1993

Pages: 116

Ref: bkmich-hill1993quarters-pb  - £5.00


22.jpg (41356 bytes)

 "Successful Rugby" by Donald Ireland 

In depth coaching book, a second-hand hardback with dust wrapper in good condition

1st Edition: 1968

Pages: 208

Ref: bkmich-ireland1968successful** -  £9.00


28.jpg (101804 bytes)

 "Focus on Rugby " by Carwyn James

Coaching book by successful Lions coach. A secondhand paperback in very good condition
published in 1983 Pages: 189 Ref: bkmich-james1983focus* - £9.00


85.jpg (60721 bytes)

"Rugby On Attack" by Ron Jarden

All Black Jarden on how to play rugby, the first chapters are autobiographical and deal with his career, a second-hand hardback ex library book with a dust wrapper

2nd Impression 1961

226 pages

Ref: bkmich-jarden1961attack-ie2.ycbflb - £12.00


78.jpg (47815 bytes)

"Rugby Under Pressure" by B Jones & Ian McJennett

Significant pointers to better team and individual performance, a second-hand hardback with dust wrapper in good condition

1st Edition: 1972

Pages: 211

Ref: bkmich-jones1972pressure** - £6.00


19.jpg (148212 bytes)

"Better Rugby for Boys" by Cyril D Joynson

A well illustrated book on basic rugby, first published in 1965, a second-hand hardback with illustrated boards in good condition.

This Edition: 1978

95 pages

Ref: bkmich-joynson1978better  - £6.00


36.jpg (141234 bytes)

"The Handbook of Rugby" by Keith Miles

Excellent coaching book, contributions by JJ Williams, Dusty Hare, David Duckham, Les Cusworth, Nairn MacEwan, Peter Brown & Sandy carmichael, a second-hand hardback with dust wrapper in good condition

1st Edition: 1995

Pages: 208

Ref: bkmich-miles1995-hb* - £9.00


84.jpg (95725 bytes)

"Rugby Union" - National Westminster Bank Sport Coaching Series

A well illustrated coaching book with input from Don Rutherford, a second-hand hardback ex library book with a dust wrapper in good condition

1st Edition: 1974

Pages: 91

Ref: bkmich-nat.west1974-rruo - £5.00


35.jpg (72064 bytes)

"Success in Rugby" by Ian Robertson

second-hand hardback with dust wrapper in good condition

1st Edition: 1980

Pages: 96

Ref: bkmich-robertson1980success** -  £5.00


"Rugby: Success Starts Here" by Derek Robinson 

Various aspects of rugby dissected, first published in 1969, this book was revised and re-published in 1975 as a paperback and eventually issued by the RFU in their coaching series. 

00z.jpg (267129 bytes)

uncorrected proof copy

published by Pelham books 1969

143 pages

a paperback with light wear to the covers and small tears to the spine

Ref: PC54-bkmich-robinson1969success.proof-pb - £15.00 

74.jpg (46149 bytes)

1st hardback edition

published by Pelham Books 1969

147 pages

a secondhand hardback with dust wrapper in good condition.

Ref: bkmich-robinson1969success** - £7.00 

00y.jpg (188617 bytes)

revised paperback edition

published by Pan Books 1975

159 pages

a secondhand paperback in very good condition.

Ref: bkmich-robinson1975success-pb** - £3.00 

00x.jpg (208374 bytes)

RFU issued paperback edition with foreword by Bill Beaumont

published by RFU 1983

145 pages

a secondhand paperback with the covers lightly worn.

Ref: bkmich-robinson1983success.rfu-ed - £4.00 


"Rugger - How to Play the Game" published by the RFU and other Rugby Football Union coaching booklets

Notes on the laws of Rugby union - a players guide on how to interpret the laws and play the game. Adapted from an original booklet by the Manhattan Rugby Club in New York, edited by Derek Robinson.

09.jpg (74881 bytes)

A Guide for Players

published in 1968 - 1st Edition

106 pages

A second-hand paperback in good condition

Ref: bkmich-rfu1968-gupl-bl -  £9.00

22.jpg (277345 bytes)

Coaching Rugby Footballers

published in 1961

72 pages

A second-hand booklet in very good condition

Ref: bkmich-rfu1961coaching-bl -  £22.00

23.jpg (342439 bytes)

The Basic Skills in Rugby Football

published in 1961

96 pages

A second-hand booklet in very good condition

Ref: bkmich-rfu1961basic.skills-bl -  £20.00


73.jpg (36046 bytes)

"Training for Rugby Football" published by RFU

Fitness training for rugby, published in 1962. a second-hand booklet  in very good condition

published in 1962

54 pages

Ref: bkmifi1962-rfu.training-bl -  £15.00


10.jpg (91927 bytes)

"Touchdown And Other Moves In The Game" published by RFU

Coaching and other interesting chapters on rugby football, a second-hand paperback  in good condition

published in 1970

128 pages

Ref: bkmich-rfu1970touchdown-pb** - £3.00


59.jpg (668554 bytes)

"Better Rugby" published by the RFU

Basic skills and team tactics, a ring bound softcover publication in good condition

Revised edition  1978

148 pages

Ref: bkmich-rfu1978better-rw.bq -  £5.00


31.jpg (84925 bytes)

"Mini Rugby, it's the Real Thing" by Don Rutherford

coaching from 1960s English International. The book of the film, a second-hand paperback in good condition

1st Edition: 1980

Pages:  150

Ref: bkmich-rutherford1980mini-pb  - £6.00


72.jpg (74258 bytes)

"The Complete Book of Mini Rugby" by Don Rutherford

An in depth manual of coaching for the children's version of rugby, a second-hand paperback in good condition

1st Edition: 1993

253 pages

Ref: bkmich-rutherford1993complete-pb - £7.50


72.jpg (34736 bytes)

"Rugby for Coach and Player" by Don Rutherford

coaching from 1960s English International and coaching guru, a second-hand hardback with dust wrapper in good condition

1st Edition: 1971

Pages:  186

Ref: bkmich-rutherford1971coach** - £8.00


59.jpg (439556 bytes) "Bob Scott on Rugby" by T. P. (Terry0 McLean & R. W. H. (Bob) Scott
Coaching and Tactical information from a 1950s All Black ful back, a secondhand hardback book with a dust wrapper in very good condition. 
Reprint 1959 155 pages Ref: bkmich-scott1959on.rugby - £16.00zzz


"Take Up Rugby Union" - principal contributor John Shepherd

A coaching book covering the basics published by Springfield Books Limited, a second-hand booklet in good condition, 

1st edition 1989

64 pages

Ref: MC221-bkmich-shepherd1989take-bl - £2.50


29.jpg (78476 bytes) "Creative Rugby - How to Improve your Game" by JJ Stewart
Coaching by top NZ coach, a second-hand paperback with occasional loose page
1st Edition: 1979 Pages: 119 Ref: bkmich-stewart1979creative  - £6.00


71.jpg (88630 bytes) "Rugby - the All Blacks Way" by JJ Stewart
Coaching the All Blacks way by a top NZ coach, a second-hand paperback with some creasing to the front cover.
published in 1993 162 pages Ref: bkmich-stewart1993way-pb  - £7.00


71.jpg (48219 bytes)

"Rugby Football" by R Tennick

coaching - basic skills and team tactics, a second-hand hardback with dust wrapper in good condition

1st Edition: 1984

Pages:  66

Ref: bkmich-tennick1984-rrfo - £9.00


B-09.jpg (57645 bytes) "New Zealand Rugby Skills and Tactics" - "Rugby Football the All Black Way" by Ivan Vodanovich
Widely regarded as one of the best coaching books of all time. Different titles for NZ and UK but the same book inside, a second-hand hardback with dust wrapper in good condition
1st Edition: 1982 Pages: 254 Ref: bkmich-vodanavich1982-nz  - £15.00


66.jpg (43706 bytes) "The Rugby Game" by Jim Wallace
A manual for coaches & players, a second-hand hardback with a dust wrapper in good condition
1st Edition: 1976 Pages: 176 Ref: bkmich-wallace1976game* - £12.00


65.jpg (42951 bytes) "Winning Rugby" by Pat Walsh
Quality coaching from an All Black, a second-hand hardback with dust wrapper in good condition
1st Edition: 1984 Pages: 218 Ref: bkmich-walsh1984winning* - £8.00


00u.jpg (224496 bytes) "Winning Rugby" by Pat Walsh
Quality coaching from an All Black, a pocket sized second-hand paperback with dust wrapper in good condition
1st Edition: 1984 Pages: 218 Ref: bkmich-walsh1984winning-pb - £4.00


64.jpg (45114 bytes) "The Principles of Rugby Football" published by the Welsh Rugby Union
a manual for coaches and referees, an in depth look at rugby includes chapters on violence in the sport and the national coaching scheme in Wales, a second-hand hardback with dust wrapper in good condition

3rd Imp: 1984

Pages: 189

Ref: bkmich-wru1984principles-ie3* - £7.00


21.jpg (252948 bytes) "The Rugby Player in Action" published by the Welsh Rugby Union
Sub-titled "A Guide to Fitness Training for Rugby". A secondhand ringbound book with in very good condition
published in 1992  108 pages Ref: RC537- bkmifi-wru1992action - £16.00


62.jpg (41758 bytes) "Schoolboy Rugby" by Gerwyn Williams
rugby for the youngster, a simple approach to the game, a second-hand hardback with dust wrapper in good condition
2nd Impression: 1971 Pages: 144 Ref: bkmich-williams1971schoolboy-ie2 - £7.00


60.jpg (39342 bytes) "Rugby Sevens" by Mike Williams
Coaching the shortened version of rugby, a second-hand paperback with some light wear to the front cover.
1st Edition: 1975 Pages: 164 Ref: bkmich-williams1975-rrsb.pb* - £7.50


60.jpg (39342 bytes) "Rugby Sevens" by Mike Williams
Coaching the shortened version of rugby, a second-hand hardback book with a dust wrapper in good condition.
1st Edition: 1975 Pages: 164 Ref: bkmich-williams1975-rrsb - £9.50


59.jpg (44548 bytes)  "Skilful Rugby" by Ray Williams
a comprehensive guide to playing rugby by WRU Coaching Organiser Ray Williams, a second-hand hardback with dust wrapper in good condition
1st Edition: 1976 Pages: 239 Ref: bkmich-williams1976skilful** - £6.00


B-10.jpg (50368 bytes)  "Rugby For Beginners" by Ray Williams
The basics by Wales' 1970s coaching guru, first published in 1973, a second-hand hardback with dust wrapper in good condition
this edition 1977 122 pages Ref: bkmich-williams1977beginners - £4.00zzz



27.jpg (60539 bytes) "Rugby Injuries" by TONY DUNNILL & MUIR GRAY
An in depth look at rugby injuries and how to treat them. A second-hand hardback with illustrated boards in good condition. This is a presention book to 'Jim'  from author Tony Dunhill thanking him for his help. Sold together with a letter from Tony Dunhill to Jim asking him to pass on a copy to John Dawes. 

1st Edition: 1982

203 pages

Ref: PC54-bkmifi-dunhill1982injuries-pn-to.jim - £12.00


81.jpg (47563 bytes)  "Fit For Rugby" by Rex Hazeldine & Tom McNab 
Foreword by Don Rutherford, weights, calisthenics, drills, nutrition, an all round guide to rugby fitness, a second-hand paperback generally in good condition with a couple of small scuffs to the top edge.
1st Edition:1991 128 pages Ref: bkmifi-hazeldine1991fit  - £11.00


84.jpg (222934 bytes) "Injuries in Rugby Football and Other Team Sports" compiled by Bob O'Connell 
Published by the IRFU, this book is compiled from papers and discussions at the international congress on injuries in rugby football and other team sports in Dublin 15-18 April 1975, a second-hand paperback  in good condition
1st Edition: 1975 334 pages Ref: bkmifi-oconnell1975irfu.injuries-pb* - £15.00


00w.jpg (146998 bytes)

"Rugby for Real - The Common Sense Training Manual" by Chris Sheryn
Fitness & Training regimes for the modern rugby player. A secondhand paperback in very good condition.
published in 2004 180 pages Ref: bkmifi-sheryn2004real-pb  - £8.00


B-11.jpg (65408 bytes) "Kick Off - New Zealand Rugby Special" edited by John Lockyear
Nicely put together book, it is unlikely that this book was published with a dust wrapper, a second-hand hardback with illustrated boards
1st Edition:  1991 Pages: 110 Ref: bkmiki-lockyear1991kick -  £8.00


94.jpg (109149 bytes) "Rugby Mania" text by John Lockyear
A New Zealand Rugby (Union) and League special. An interesting selection of rugby items, well illustrated throughout, a second-hand paperback in very good condition.
published in  1991 112 pages Ref: bkmiki-lockyear1991mania-pb -  £8.50


B-12.jpg (65450 bytes) "Colour Me Rugby' by John Dougan 
Nice look at rugby basics through colouring with centre page poster of 1979 All Blacks, a second-hand booklet - unused
published approx 1980 Pages: 28 Ref: bkmiki-dougan1980colour - £5.00


22.jpg (424684 bytes) "THE BIG BLACK RUGBY BOOK"  published by Rugby Press Ltd, NZ 
Various authors have contributed to the book which is aimed at the younger All Black supporter, with an introduction by Zinzan Brooke, a secondhand paperback book good condition. 
1st Edition 1990 136 pages Ref: bkmiki.rr-press1990big.black - £10.00



93.jpg (51166 bytes)

"A Wreath for the Springboks" by Jason Calder

Set in New Zealand, this is a political rugby thriller, a second-hand hardback with a dust wrapper, this is an ex library book. 

1st British edition 1977 179 pages Ref: bkmifc-calder1977wreath-ycbflb  -  £12.00


98.jpg (281917 bytes)

"Work, Sex and Rugby" by Lewis Davies

Life in the valleys of south Wales, a second-hand paperback in very good condition

first published in 1993

176 pages

Ref: bkmifc-davies1993work-pb - £5.00


34.jpg (17092 bytes)

"Die Springbok" by ID Du Plessis

rugby novel in Afrikaans, second-hand hardback without dust wrapper in good condition

1st Edition: 1948

Pages: 304

Ref: bkmifc-du.plessis1948springbok - £49.00


45.jpg (54845 bytes)

"Die Silvervaring" by ID Du Plessis

rugby novel in Afrikaans, a very rare book, not listed in Dave McLaren's bibliography. Die Silvervaring possibly translates to "The Silver Fern", a second-hand hardback without dust wrapper, some discolouration to covers and occasional pen marks to pages.

This Edition: 1933

Pages: 129

Ref: bkmifc-du.plessis1933silvervaring - £65.00


02.jpg (30850 bytes)

"Rugby in Rio" by ID Du Plessis

rugby novel in Afrikaans, a very rare book, not listed in Dave McLaren's bibliography, a second-hand hardback without dust wrapper in good condition.

This Edition: 1941 Pages: 126 Ref: bkmifc-du.plessis1941rio - £65.00


test match.jpg (28019 bytes)

"Test Match" by Shukuzawa Hirdaki

Japanese text, we are assuming this is a novel, a second-hand hardback with dust wrapper in good condition

1st Edition: 1991 Pages:  Ref: bkmifc-hirdaki1991test - £45.00


99.jpg (332399 bytes) "Last Match" by Martin Rhys
Colin Lewis is a prodigiously talented 18-year-old who thrives on the physical conflict of the game he loves. International fame and acclaim can only be a matter of time. But the time is 1939. And off the field, Colin is a different person. For a start, he's a pacifist. When he declares himself a conscientious objector, Colin plummets from local hero to social pariah. A conchie whose war becomes a series of merciless punishments from his community. When the war ends, Colin’s one thought is to get back to his beloved habitat - the rugby field. But although war has ended, cruelty and persecution have not. How much punishment and humiliation can a proud man take? Because a pacifist cannot fight back. Can he?

A secondhand paperback book, very good condition, as new. ISBN: 978-1-80049-745-0 

published in 2021 345 pages Ref: bkmifc-rhys2021last - £12.00


26.jpg (276550 bytes)

"The Pagan Game" by Gordon Slatter

A novel with some rugby content. A secondhand hardback with dustwrapper in good condition

1st edition: 1959 pages 239 Ref: bkmifc-slatter1959pagan - £25.00


RUGBY HUMOUR - catalogued by author's surname in alphabetical order. 

43.jpg (76988 bytes)

"Heard in the Scrum" by Robert Anderson

A light hearted look at rugby, a second-hand hardback with some small tears and light creasing to the dust wrapper

1st edition 1964 120 pages Ref: TC19-bkmihu-anderson1964scrum** - £7.00


34.jpg (40143 bytes)

"Heard in the Line-out" by Robert Anderson

stories and tales from the world of rugby, various contributors including Andy Mulligan, Vivian Jenkins & JBG Thomas, a second-hand hardback with dustwrapper  in good condition.

1st edition 1969 pages 120 Ref: bkmihu-anderson1969line.out* - £12.00


77.jpg (57358 bytes)

"Bedside Rugby" by Bill Beaumont 

Funny stories from the career of England's Grand Slam captain, well illustrated by Edward McLachlan, a secondhand hardback with illustrated boards.

1st Edition: 1986 88 pages Ref: TL9-bkmihu-beaumont1986bedside - £8.00


77.jpg (57358 bytes)

"Bedside Rugby" by Bill Beaumont 

Funny stories from the career of England's Grand Slam captain, well illustrated by Edward McLachlan, a secondhand paperback in very good condition.

This edition: 1987 88 pages Ref: bkmihu-beaumont1986bedside-pb** - £4.00


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"And the Tanker Spent a Comfortable Night", paperback book of poems by Tom Bellion with illustrations by Gren, a look at welsh rugby in the 1970s, classic Welsh humour. The title refers to a poem where JPR crashed into a tanker .......and the tanker etc. A great humorous read accompanied by Gren's brilliant cartoons. Classic Welsh rugby humour.  Published in 1979, 64 pages.

Ref: bkmihu-bellion1979tanker-pb.tmwaxb - £15.00 


56.jpg (210183 bytes) "Rugby Wit" by Richard Benson
Sub-titled "Quips and Quotes for the Rugby Obsessed". Some nice nice one liners and longer quotes to keep you entertained. A secondhand hardback book with a dust jacket, very good condition
published in 2007 206 pages Ref: bkmihu-benson2007wit - £9.00


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"I Was There" by Max Boyce

Poems, stories & songs from the Welsh Maestro, includes the words to Max Boyce's classics "The Outside half Factory", Asso Asso Yogoshi", "Hymns & Arias", "The Incredible Plan", "9 3". Lavishly illustrated with cartoons by Gren, this  book is a classic. If you are Welsh and this book is not in your library you do not want to spend another minute without it. A second hand large format hardback with illustrated boards in good condition.
1st Edition: 1979 92 pages Ref: bkmihu-boyce1979was-tmwaxc - £25.00


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"Rugby is a Funny Game" by BROWN/ RIPLEY/ SLATTERY/ WINDSOR

Humourous reminiscences by, English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh internationals, illustrations by Jake Tebbit. A secondhand hardback with illustrated boards in very good condition

1st Edition: 1987 118 pages Ref:  bkmihu-brown1987funny - £12.00


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"Rugby is a Funny Game" by BROWN/ RIPLEY/ SLATTERY/ WINDSOR

Humourous reminiscences by, English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh internationals, illustrations by Jake Tebbit. A secondhand paperback in very good condition
published in 1987 Pages: 126 Ref:  TC19-bkmihu-brown1987funny-pb - £6.00


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"Bizarre Fantasy Rugby XV's" by Nick Brownlee & David Kohn

As the titlle suggests the authors go about picking bizarre rugby teams including the 'I don't fancy yours much XV and the 'Slaphead XV'. A secondhand paperback in good condition
published in 2000 Pages: 112 Ref:  TC19-bkmihu-brownlee2000bizarre-pb* -  £5.00


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"Have Balls Will Travel"  by Mike Burton

The story of fictitious rugby tour, with cartoons by Bill Tidy, second-hand hardback with illustrated boards in good condition

1st Edition: 1982 87 pages Ref: bkmihu-burton1982travel*  - £7.00


My Fave Rug Storys.jpg (40929 bytes)


History and humour, Great rugby stories only in the way that Chilcott can tell 'em, a second-hand hardback with dust wrapper in good condition.

1st Edition: 1995 287 pages: Ref: bkmihu-chilcott1995favourite** - £14.00


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"A is for All Black" by P Clarkson

A small 36 page book with humorous cartoons, mainly caricatures of All Blacks, a second-hand booklet in good condition

1st Edition: 1978 Pages: 36 Ref: bkmihu-clarkson1978all.black-bl - £12.00   


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 "On Rugby" by Leo & Jilly Cooper

A light hearted look at the game, it's people and principle factors, a second-hand hardback with illustrated boards in good condition
1st Edition: 1984 Pages: 61 Ref: TC19-bkmihu-cooper1984on-rr - £6.00


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"The Book of Rugby Disasters & Bizarre Records" by Fran Cotton

A most entertaining read, humour from the history of rugby football and the career of England international and British Lion Fran Cotton, a second-hand hardback book in very good condition

published in 1984 120 pages Ref: bkmihu-cotton1985bizarre* - £6.00


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"The Book of Rugby Disasters & Bizarre Records" by Fran Cotton

A most entertaining read, humour from the history of rugby football and the career of England international and British Lion Fran Cotton, a second-hand paperback in very good condition

published in 1985 120 pages Ref: bkmihu-cotton1985bizarre-pb - £5.00


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"Even Coarser Rugby" by Michael Green

follow up to the popular "Art of Coarse Rugby" by the same author, a second-hand hardback with dust wrapper that is faded and has some light wear.

2nd Impression: 1964 120 pages Ref: bkmihu-green1964even-ie2*  - £6.00


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"Rugby Alphabet" by Michael Green 

A rugby alphabet with a difference, a second-hand hardback with dust wrapper in good condition

1st Edition: 1971 Pages: 176 Ref: bkmihu-green1971alphabet**  - £6.00



I have recently received a copy of Michael Green’s The Alphabet of Rugby from you and would like to say the following;

The book is in great condition, the quality and security of the packaging is exceptional, delivery was fast (even in these trying times!) and the price was good. Thank you very much for your attention to detail, I am looking forward to reading this again after over 40 years since it last graced the kitchen table. Will be visiting your site in future, 

diolch yn fawr! (thank you very much),  Louis (in exile, die hard Scarlets fan from Pontyates).


10.jpg (116919 bytes)

Gren's Guide to Rugby - For Players, Would-Be Players, Fans and Their Loved Ones" by Gren 

An absolutely wonderful book, Welsh cartoon humour, awesome stuff. A secondhand paperback in very good condition

published in 1995 96 pages Ref: bkmihu-gren1995-gdrr.pb  - £8.00


23.jpg (32377 bytes) "The Funny Book of Rugby" by Bob Hale & Douglas Ingram
Pocket size rugby fun. Secondhand hardback with illustrated boards in excellent condition.
1st Edition: 1996 Pages: 61 Ref: RC537-bkmihu.hale1996funny  -  £7.00


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"Rugby Rabbits" by G Hutchins

NZ rugby humour, profiles of fictitious rugby players, well illustrated by Darryl Kirby, second-hand hardback with illustrated boards in good condition.

1st Edition: 1983 Pages: 93 Ref: bkmihu-hutchins1983rabbits - £8.00


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Tall Halfbacks" by G Hutchins

NZ rugby humour - great stories about growing up in a small New Zealand town in the 1960s, a second-hand paperback in good condition
1st Edition: 1987 Pages:  116 Ref: bkmihu-hutchins1987halfbacks-pb - £8.00


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"The Lighter Side of Rugby - What the Ref Heard" by T.W. ICKENHAM 

Photos with speech bubbles, published by Seto Publishing, auckland, New Zealand. A second-hand booklet in good condition

Published in 1989 32 pages Ref: bkmihu-ickenham1989lighter-bl  - £4.00


52.jpg (387920 bytes) "Classic Rugby Clangers" by David Mortimer
An amusing collection of rugby's most embarassing moments from over a century. A secondhand paperback book in very good condition
This edition: 2004  180 pages Ref: bkmihu-motimer2004clangers-pb** - £5.00


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"The Wit of Rugby" by LHW Paine

Humorous quotes and stories from rugby history, a second-hand hardback with dust wrapper in good condition.

1st Edition: 1972 Pages: 95 Ref: bkmihu-paine1972wit* - £7.00


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"Bluff Your Way In Rugby" by Alexander C Rae 

Pocket sized humour. Also published as "Bluff Your Way in Rugby with Guinness and "The Bluffer's guide to Rugby". A secondhand paperback in good condition

Published in 1992 approx 64 pages Ref: bkmihu-rae1992bluff-bl**  -  £4.00


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"Rugby Shorts" by Chris Rhys

A lively look at the lighter side of rugby union, a second-hand hardback with illustrated boards

1st Edition: 1990 Pages: 128 Ref: bkmihu-rhys1990shorts - £8.00


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"Ruckin & Maulin" by David Crowe with a foreword by Dean Richards

Photos with captions and rugby shorts, an entertaining read, second-hand paperback in very good condition.

1st Edition: 1997 Pages: 112 Ref: bkmihu-crowe1997ruckin-pb - £5.00


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"Ripley’s Rugby Rubbish" by Andy Ripley

A humorous look at rugby by a former England No 8. A second-hand hardback with illustrated boards in very good condition

1st Edition: 1985 112 pages Ref: bkmihu-ripley1985rubbish* -  £7.00


64.jpg (93729 bytes) "Run with the Ball" by Derek Robinson
A brisk dash through 150 years of rugby. A humorous history of the game, a second-hand hardback with a dust wrapper in good condition
1st Edition: 1984 144 pages Ref: bkhimo-robinson1984run-xb* - £10.00


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"Odd-Shaped Balls" by John Scally

Mischief-makers, miscreants and mad-hatters of rugby. A second-hand hardback with some light rippling to the dust wrapper.

1st Edition: 2004 254 pages Ref: bkmihu-scally2004odd** - £7.50


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"The World's Best Rugby Book Ever" - P Sherwood & G Alderdice

Large format well illustrated Australian publication, an A to Z of rugby with some good spoof articles, a second-hand hardback with illustrated boards in good condition.

1st Edition: 1983 Pages: 97 Ref: bkmihu-sherwood1983best* - £15.00


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"Rugby Jokes" published by Sphere Books

A second-hand paperback with some light creasing to the covers
This Edition: 1971 Pages: 175 Ref: bkmihu-sphere1971-jokes-pb**  - £6.00


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"Son of Rugby Jokes" published by Sphere Books

Not a lot to do with rugby here, just an excuse to publish a series of xxx rated jokes, first published in 1970, a second-hand paperback, with a slight crease to the front cover.

This Edition: 1976 Pages: 172 Ref: bkmihu-sphere1976son.jokes-pb* - £6.00


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"Even More Rugby Jokes" published by Sphere Books

A second-hand paperback in very good condition.

This Edition: 1986 148 pages Ref: bkmihu-sphere1986even-pb  - £8.00


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" Rugby Jokes Score Again" published by Sphere Books

Not a lot to do with rugby here, just an excuse to publish a series of xxx rated jokes, first published in 1987, a second-hand paperback with a small hole and light wear to the front cover.

This Edition: 1987 146 pages Ref: bkmihu-sphere1987jokes.score-pb - £6.00


51.jpg (357407 bytes) "The Reduced History of Rugby" by Ian Spragg
The oval-shaped story of the Union game squeezed into 80 minutes. A secondhand hardback book with a dust wrapper, in very good condition
This edition: 2006 127 pages Ref: bkmihu-spragg2006reduced - £8.00


58.jpg (26851 bytes)

"The Crazy World of Rugby" by Bill Stott

Cartoon humour, a great read, a second-hand hardback with illustrated boards in good condition

1st Edition: 1988 approx 80 pages Ref: bkmihu-stott1988crazy*  - £9.00


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"The Crazy World of Rugby" by Bill Stott

Cartoon humour, a great read, a second-hand paperback in very good condition

This Edition: 1988 approx 80 pages Ref: TC19-bkmihu-stott1988crazy-pb*  - £7.00


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"Rugby It Drives Us Crazy" by Bill Stott

A Helen Exley Gigglebook, pocket sized cartoon humour, designed to give as a gift, a second-hand hardback with illustrated boards in very good condition

1st Edition: 2004 approx 60 pages Ref: PC54-bkmihu-stott2004drives*  - £5.00


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"A Front-Row Guide to Rugby Union Clubs - The First Division" by Dick Tyson

interesting look at the English first division, great cartoons with profiles of premier division clubs, a second-hand paperback in good condition
1st Edition: 1992 Pages: 64 Ref: bkmihu-tyson1992front-pb  - £4.00



17.jpg (67887 bytes) "Why the Whistle" by Ralph Burmeister
One of a series of books published in collaboration with the Sport Foundation of South Africa. A look at rugby refereeing. A reversible book in both English and Afrikaans with a foreword by Danie Craven. A second-hand hardback with a dust wrapper, an ex library book in good condition. RARE

1st Edition: 1969

Pages: 108 Ref: bkmilw-burmeister1969why  - £47.50


18.jpg (533233 bytes) "Positioning for Referees" by Paul Dobson
Southern Life Rugby Coaching Scheme 1988. A secondhand booklet in English and Afrikaans.
published in 1988 60 pages Ref: bkmilw-dobson1988positioning - £19.00


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"Rugby, A Referee’s Guide" by Ed Morrison & Derek Robinson

A secondhand paperback  in good condition

published in 1996 191 pages Ref: bkmilw-morrison1996-rfgd-pb**  - £6.00


25.jpg (77525 bytes) "Rugby Law Explained" by Mike Mortimer
A down to earth guide to the laws of rugby union. A second-hand paperback in good condition.

published in 1996

56 pages Ref: bkmilw-mortimer1996explained-pb  - £7.50


36.jpg (104637 bytes) "Rugby Union Laws Illustrated" by Clive Norling & Terry Godwin
second-hand hardback with dust wrapper in good condition

1st Edition: 1985

Pages: 107 Ref: bkmilw-norling1985illustrated - £8.00


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"101 Decisions" by Justus Potgieter & Freek Burger
Basic rugby laws for referees, coaches, players & spectators. Published by Stelrek, South Africa. Text in English. Well illustrated.  A second-hand paperback in good condition

published in 1994

approx 120 pages Ref: bkmilw-potgieter1994-101-pb -  £19.50


50.jpg (370252 bytes) "Rugby - A Player's Guide to the Laws" by Derek Robinson
A secondhand paperback book in very good condition
published in 1995 192 pages Ref: bkmilw-robinson1995players-pb* - £6.00


94.jpg (38119 bytes) "History of the Laws of Rugby Football " by Admiral Sir Percy Royds
Comprehensive history of the Laws of Rugby Union. Each law is broken down into the years where changes took place and each change is detailed. Also listed are proposals for changes that were not adopted. This is the best reference work for the formative years of the laws of rugby. It is very unlikely that this book was published with a dust wrapper. This is a secondhand hardback, there is some light wear to the covers but generally the condition is very good. 
1st Edition: 1949 Pages: 241 Ref: bkmihi-royds1949-hilw.xb - £175.00


"Why the Whistle Went" published by the RFU

Notes on the laws of Rugby union for new players, old players and spectators of all descriptions, edited by HF Ellis with illustrations by Fougasse.

12.jpg (226847 bytes)

Why the Whistle Went

7th edition 

revised April 1966

44 pages

a second-hand booklet in good condition (noted faults: two small marks on the front cover)

Ref: bkmilw-rfu1966whistle-ed7bl - £9.00


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"Refereeing Decisions" published by the Welsh Society of Rugby Union Referees
Questions and answers relating to the laws. A second-hand booklet in good condition

published in 1996

56 pages Ref: bkmilw-wsrur1996decisions-bl -  £6.50


For books with the actual rugby laws as published by the IRB and individual unions please visit the handbooks section on the annuals page or..............



RELIGION, POLITICS, LEGAL ISSUES & RUGBY - see also Tour books 1969, 1971 & 1981 Springbok tours

41.jpg (126760 bytes)

"Sinners at the Stadium" by Robert Fenton

view of political disruption in sport, especially rugby, a second-hand hardback with dust wrapper in good condition

1st Edition: 1974

Pages: 206

Ref: bkmigv-fenton1974sinners  - £19.00


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"Medico-Legal Hazards of Rugby Union" edited by Simon DW Payne

Consultant editors John Davies & Edward Grayson. A self explanatory title, includes a chapter by former Ireland & British Lions hooker Ken Kennedy titled 'the team doctor in rugby union football'. A second-hand paperback in good condition

published in 1992

178 pages

Ref: bkmigv-payne1992medico-pb* - £19.95


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"Retreat From Apartheid" by R Thomson

view of New Zealand's sporting contacts with South Africa, a second-hand paperback in good condition

1st Edition: 1975

Pages: 102

Ref: bkmigv-thomson1975retreat-pb  - £15.00



B-17.jpg (62392 bytes)

"The Rugby Quiz Book" compiled by Denis Dwyer & Craig Macfarlane

over 280 questions, a second-hand booklet in good condition

published in 1972

Pages: 24

Ref: bkmiqi-dwyer1972-rrqibk.bl* -  £5.00


39.jpg (90290 bytes)

"Rugby News Quiz Book" compiled by Bob Howitt

Quiz questions, picture puzzles and crosswords, a second-hand booklet with a small mark to front cover

published in 1984

Pages: 94

Ref: bkmiqi-howitt1984-rrneqibk.bl - £8.00


03.jpg (55642 bytes)

"Playfair Quiz Book - Rugby" compiled by Michael Nimmo

Hundreds of quiz questions for the rugby expert, a second-hand paperback in good condition

published in 1976

Pages: 116

Ref: bkmiqi-nimmo1976playfair-pb**  - £5.00


20.jpg (285320 bytes)

"The Rugby Quiz Book" compiled by Adam Pearson

over 1200 questions covering both Rugby Union and Rugby League, a second-hand hardback book with a dust wrapper in very good condition

1st edition 2008

150 pages

Ref: bkmiqi-pearson2008-rrqibk - £9.00


38.jpg (110103 bytes)

"Rugby Quiz Book" compiled by John Taylor

A second-hand hardback with illustrated boards

published in 1987 Pages: 104 Ref: bkmiqi-taylor1987-rrqibk - £9.00


02.jpg (72357 bytes)

"More Rugby Posers" by Huw S Thomas

Hundreds of quiz questions for the rugby expert, a second-hand booklet in good condition

published in 1980

approx 50 pages

Ref: bkmiqi-thomas1980more-bl* -  £6.50


SPORTSMAN'S BOOK CLUB  - in stock but waiting to be catalogued

With uniform dust wrappers the 'Sportsman's Book Club' series of the 1950s & 1960s build into an informative library of sporting literature.






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www.world-rugby-museum.com   -   www.sport-wales.com  -  www.personal-trainer-wales.com   -   www.origin-of-sport.com   -  www.walk-around-wales.com 
