648.jpg (87944 bytes) Tom Bowman

Ref: auphcd.pyas648-bowman - £4.00  

  99.jpg (269459 bytes) Ryan Constable 

Ref: auphcd.pyas223-constable -  £4.00  

40.jpg (235392 bytes) David Griffin

Ref: auphcd.pyas946m-griffin- £4.00  

  98.jpg (210137 bytes) Bob Dwyer (coach)

Ref: auphcd.pyas258-dwyer - £4.00  


42.jpg (244675 bytes) Chris Latham

Ref: auphcd.pyas944m-latham - £4.00  

  51.jpg (235214 bytes) Alex Evans (+ Welsh coach)

Ref: auphcd.pyas115-evans - £4.00  

43.jpg (236005 bytes) Jason Little

Ref: auphcd.pyas888m-little - £4.00  

42.jpg (457717 bytes) Pat Howard

Ref: auphcd.pyas610m-howard - £4.00  


46.jpg (213896 bytes) Simon Poidevin

Ref: auphcd.pyas625m-poidevin - £5.00  

  97.jpg (131519 bytes) Richard Tombs

Ref: auphcd.pyas282-tombs £4.00


37.jpg (232854 bytes) Jim Williams

Ref: auphcd.pyas949m-williams - £4.00  





Printing error - This is where the card has been printed offline.

Card error - Where the player's name, country or other card detail is incorrect. 

clipped - Where the autograph has been clipped from another source and added to the card.

Autograph on label - a label previously signed by a player added to the card


32.jpg (237729 bytes) Rob Andrew

Ref: auphcd.pyen37-andrew - £4.00  

  91.jpg (194500 bytes) Garath Archer

Ref: auphcd.pyen175-archer - £4.00  

01.jpg (223119 bytes) Bill Beaumont

Ref: auphcd.pyen40-beaumont -  £15.00  

41.jpg (245563 bytes) Mike Burton

Ref: auphcd.pyen316m-burton - £4.00  

177.jpg (228759 bytes) Jon Callard

Ref: auphcd.pyen177-callard - £4.00  

31.jpg (245698 bytes) Richard Cockerill

Ref: auphcd.pyen586m-cockerill - £4.00  

95.jpg (130812 bytes) Ben Clarke

Ref: auphcd.pyen70-clarke - £6.00  


61.jpg (152513 bytes) Mark Cueto

Ref: auphcd.pyen1105m-cueto - £4.00  

65.jpg (222835 bytes) Martin Corry

Ref: auphcd.pyen936m-corry - £4.00  

14.jpg (257811 bytes) Paul Dodge

Ref: auphcd.pyen711m-dodge - £5.00  

11.jpg (256295 bytes) Phil Davies

Ref: auphcd.pyen719m-davies - £5.00  

  30.jpg (250597 bytes) Will Green

Ref: auphcd.pyen587m-green - £4.00  

178.jpg (247618 bytes) Nick Greenstock

Ref: auphcd.pyen178-greenstock - £4.00  

97.jpg (245145 bytes) Austin Healey

Ref: auphcd.pyen79-healey - £4.00  

39.jpg (133360 bytes) Darren Garforth

Ref: auphcd.pyen45-garforth - £4.00  

  28.jpg (228483 bytes) Alistair Hignell

Ref: auphcd.pyen60-hignell - £4.00  

02.jpg (256336 bytes) Simon Hodgkinson

Ref: auphcd.pyen753m-hodgkison - £4.00  

122.jpg (275362 bytes) Paul Hull

Ref: auphcd.pyen122-hull - £4.00  

04.jpg (260187 bytes) Ian Hunter

Ref: auphcd.pyen747m-hunter - £4.00  

04.jpg (267358 bytes) John Mallett

Ref: auphcd.pyen271-mallett - £4.00  

82.jpg (243313 bytes) Nick Jeavons

Ref: auphcd.pyen836m-jeavons - £5.00  

36.jpg (447566 bytes) Matt Perry

Ref: auphcd.pyen276-perry - £4.00  

57.jpg (238071 bytes) Peter Larter 

auphcd.pyen744m-larter £4.00  

72.jpg (264155 bytes) Jack Rowell-coach (dedicated)

Ref: auphcd.pyen87-rowell - £2.00

78.jpg (193464 bytes) Steve Ojomoh

auphcd.pyen182-ojomoh -  £4.00  

  27.jpg (244510 bytes) Mike Rafter

Ref: auphcd.pyen590m-rafter - £4.00  

64.jpg (217610 bytes) David Rees

auphcd.pyen361-rees - £4.00

93.jpg (137017 bytes) Dean Richards

Ref: auphcd.pyen103-richards - £5.00  


91.jpg (206373 bytes) John Sleightholme

Ref: auphcd.pyen91-sleightholme - £4.00

69.jpg (180592 bytes) Tim Stimpson

Ref: auphcd.pyen92-stimpson -  £4.00   

618.jpg (43663 bytes) John Spencer

Ref: auphcd.pyen618-spencer - £4.00  

67.jpg (173534 bytes) Victor Ubogu

Ref: auphcd.pyen184-ubogu - £4.00  

53.jpg (190601 bytes) Bryan West

Ref: auphcd.pyen765m-west - £4.00  

  35.jpg (261478 bytes) Peter Wheeler

Ref: auphcd.pyen382m-wheeler - £4.00  

54.jpg (251028 bytes) Johnny Williams

Ref: auphcd.pyen764m-williams - £4.00  

81.jpg (224433 bytes) Kevin Yates

Ref: auphcd.pyen186-yates - £4.00  



60.jpg (246777 bytes) Philippe Bennetton

Ref: auphcd.pyfr187-bennetton - £5.00


  95.jpg (255935 bytes) Philippe Bernat-Salles

Ref: auphcd.pyfr304-bernat-salles - £5.00  

53.jpg (254635 bytes) Marc Cecillon

Ref: auphcd.pyfr232m-cecillon - £5.00  

  57.jpg (252082 bytes) Dominique Erbani

Ref: auphcd.pyfr188-erbani - £5.00  

97.jpg (231084 bytes) Laurent Cabannes

Ref: auphcd.pyfr251m-cabannes - £5.00  

05.jpg (99133 bytes) Thomas Castaignede 

Ref: auphcd.pyfr876m-castaignede - £5.00  

06.jpg (205181 bytes) Thierry Devergie

Ref: auphcd.pyfr162-devergie - £4.00  

83.jpg (244497 bytes) Xavier Garbajosa

Ref: auphcd.pyfr894m-garbajosa - £5.00  

98.jpg (249006 bytes) Stephen Glas

Ref: auphcd.pyfr234-glas- £5.00  

  56.jpg (261471 bytes) Christophe Lamaison

Ref: auphcd.pyfr189-lamaison - £5.00  

90.jpg (110545 bytes) Thomas Lievrement

Ref: auphcd.pyfr348-lievremont - £5.00  

55.jpg (242046 bytes) Oliver Magne

Ref: auphcd.pyfr190-magne - £6.00  

578.jpg (41541 bytes) Michel Marfaing

Ref: auphcd.pyfr578-marfaing - £4.00  

89.jpg (228466 bytes) Emile Ntamack

Ref: auphcd.pyfr875m-ntamack - £7.00  

89.jpg (100791 bytes) Alain Penaud

Ref: auphcd.pyfr191-penaud - £5.00  

  54.jpg (240242 bytes) Laurent Seigne

Ref: auphcd.pyfr193-seigne - £5.00  

58.jpg (242628 bytes) Philippe Sella

Ref: auphcd.pyfr002-sella - £10.00  

  52.jpg (250009 bytes) David Venditti

Ref: auphcd.pyfr194-venditti - £5.00  

83.jpg (205212 bytes) Philippe Saint-Andre 

Ref: auphcd.pyfr171-st.andre - £4.00




24.jpg (264239 bytes) Niall Brophy

Ref: auphcd.pyir790m-brophy - £6.00  

67.jpg (281062 bytes) Brian Ashton - coach

Ref: auphcd.pyir195m-ashton - £4.00  

109.jpg (246735 bytes) Paul Burke

Ref: auphcd.pyir109-burke - £4.00  

23.jpg (247359 bytes) Justin Bishop

Ref: auphcd.pyir791m-bishop - £4.00  

13.jpg (179476 bytes) Peter Clohessy

Ref: auphcd.pyir157-clohessy - £4.00  

  56.jpg (237522 bytes) Jonathan Bell

Ref: auphcd.pyir108-bell -  £4.00  

40.jpg (228828 bytes) N J Carr

Ref: auphcd.pyir809m-carr - £5.00  

  110.jpg (254503 bytes) David Corkery

Ref: auphcd.pyir110-corkery -  £4.00  

52.jpg (246905 bytes) Kieron Dawson

Ref: auphcd.pyir793m-dawson - £4.00  

66.jpg (251966 bytes) Dominic Crotty

Ref: auphcd.pyir196m-crotty - £4.00  

52.jpg (254800 bytes) Maurice Field

Ref: auphcd.pyir597m-field - £4.00  

36.jpg (234411 bytes) Paul Dean

Ref: auphcd.pyir815m-dean - £4.00  

73.jpg (225261 bytes) Gabriel Fulcher

Ref: auphcd.pyir125m-fulcher - £4.00  

33.jpg (232491 bytes) Des Fitzgerald

Ref: auphcd.pyir819m-fitzgerald - £4.00  

51.jpg (251256 bytes) Tom Grace

Ref: auphcd.pyir796m-grace - £6.00  

27.jpg (254979 bytes) Mick Galwey

Ref: auphcd.pyir779m-galwey - £4.00  

64.jpg (233286 bytes) Eddie Halvey

Ref: auphcd.pyir198m-halvey - £4.00  

  72.jpg (427973 bytes) Nial Hogan

Ref: auphcd.pyir127m-hogan - £4.00  

29.jpg (189266 bytes) Paddy Johns

Ref: auphcd.pyir224-johns - £4.00  


40.jpg (247417 bytes) Kenneth Kennedy

Ref: auphcd.pyir742m-kennedy - £6.00  

56.jpg (255252 bytes) Kevin Maggs

Ref: auphcd.pyir346m-maggs - £4.00  

69.jpg (239667 bytes) Simon Mason

Ref: auphcd.pyir217-mason - £4.00  

88.jpg (135219 bytes) Willie John McBride

Ref: auphcd.pyir292-mcbride - £18.00 

50.jpg (243328 bytes) Kurt McQuikin 

Ref: auphcd.pyir599m-mcquikin - £4.00  

29.jpg (254417 bytes) Bill Mulcahy

Ref: auphcd.pyir776m-mulcahy - £8.00  

    93.jpg (221619 bytes) Stewart McKinney

Ref: auphcd.pyir797m-mckinney - £5.00  

30.jpg (234080 bytes) Brendan Mullin

Ref: auphcd.pyir856mmullin - £5.00  

  23.jpg (180055 bytes) Darragh O'Mahony

Ref: auphcd.pyir908m-o'mahony - £4.00  

49.jpg (244547 bytes) Ross Nesdale

Ref: auphcd.pyir600m-nesdale - £4.00  

34.jpg (246096 bytes) Colin Patterson

Ref: auphcd.pyir818m-patterson - £5.00  

54.jpg (254121 bytes) Brian O'Meara

Ref: auphcd.pyir201-o.meara - £4.00  

  46.jpg (256801 bytes) James Topping

Ref: auphcd.pyir603m-topping - £4.00  

27.jpg (235111 bytes) Malcolm O'Kelly

Ref: auphcd.pyir903m-o'kelly - £5.00  

68.jpg (251791 bytes) Paul Wallace

Ref: auphcd.pyir236-wallace - £4.00  

      55.jpg (251020 bytes) Andy Ward

Ref: auphcd.pyir375m-ward - £4.00  

28.jpg (218600 bytes) John Robbie

Ref: auphcd.pyir858m-robbie - £5.00  

69.jpg (242047 bytes) Niall Woods

Ref: auphcd.pyir130m-woods - £4.00  

45.jpg (267843 bytes) Patrick Whelan

Ref: auphcd.pyir604m-whelan - £4.00  




87.jpg (99156 bytes) Mark 'Bull' Allen - 1997 All Blacks Series

Ref: F20-42-auphcd.pynz-allen - £6.00  

21.jpg (242394 bytes) Mike Brewer

Ref: auphcd.pynz290m-brewer - £5.00  

98.jpg (244597 bytes) Ron Cribb

Ref: auphcd.pynz306m-cribb - £5.00  

568.jpg (32264 bytes) John Fleming

Ref: auphcd.pynz568-fleming - £5.00  

84.jpg (224376 bytes) Mark Hammett

Ref: auphcd.pynz941m-hammett - £5.00  

546.jpg (33393 bytes) Alama Ieremia

Ref: auphcd.pynz546-ieremia - £5.00  

83.jpg (232400 bytes) Byron Kelleher

Ref: auphcd.pynz942m-kelleher - £5.00  

  82.jpg (218374 bytes) Norm Maxwell

Ref: auphcd.pynz943m-maxwell - £5.00  

97.jpg (239414 bytes) John Mitchell

Ref: auphcd.pynz350m-mitchell - £5.00  

94.jpg (248633 bytes) Bernie McCahill

Ref: auphcd.pynz615m-mccahill - £5.00  

75.jpg (128220 bytes) Graham Mourie

Ref: auphcd.pynz351-mourie - £7.00  

  96.jpg (239833 bytes) John Plumtree

Ref: auphcd.pynz358m-plumtree - £5.00  

60.jpg (254684 bytes)

John Preston, New Zealand

Ref: auphcd.pynz734m-preston.j -  £4.00  

86.jpg (242604 bytes) Hika Reid

Ref: auphcd.pynz873m-reid - £5.00  

95.jpg (240802 bytes) John Schuster

Ref: auphcd.pynz504m-schuster - £5.00  




68.jpg (256021 bytes) Stewart Campbell

Ref: auphcd.pysc310m-campbell - £4.00  

  69.jpg (253815 bytes) Derrick Grant

Ref: auphcd.pysc826m-grant - £5.00  

368.gif (160284 bytes) Derrick Grant

Ref: auphcd.pysc368-grant - £4.00  

57.jpg (248104 bytes) Stuart Grimes

Ref: auphcd.pysc988m-grimes - £4.00  

27.jpg (212737 bytes) Jim Hay

Ref: auphcd.pysc204-hay - £4.00  

  205.jpg (245484 bytes) David Hilton

Ref: auphcd.pysc205-hilton - £4.00  

73.jpg (105727 bytes) Andy Irvine

Ref: auphcd.pysc321-irvine - £7.00  

98.jpg (235524 bytes) Peter Kininmonth (Scotland)

Ref: auphcd.pysc-kininmonth.387 - £6.00

48.jpg (244520 bytes) Craig Joiner

Ref: auphcd.pysc571m-joiner -  £4.00  

47.jpg (248540 bytes) Doug Morgan

Ref: auphcd.pysc621m-morgan £4.00  

  60.jpg (102143 bytes) Kenny Logan 

auphcd.pysc206-logan - £4.00  

58.jpg (245666 bytes) Budge Pountney

Ref: auphcd.pysc951m-pountney - £4.00  

  60.jpg (232807 bytes) Scott Murray

Ref: auphcd.pysc901m-muarray - £4.00  

68.jpg (259145 bytes) Keith Robertson

Ref: auphcd.pysc827m-robertson - £4.00  

59.jpg (231804 bytes) Robbie Russell

Ref: auphcd.pysc912m-russell - £4.00  

66.jpg (250952 bytes) Rowen Shepherd

Ref: auphcd.pysc365m-shepherd - £4.00  

72.jpg (268423 bytes) Andy Reed

Ref: auphcd.pysc209m-reed - £4.00  

80.jpg (236995 bytes) Mattie Stewart

Ref: auphcd.pysc732m-stewart - £4.00  

40.jpg (253191 bytes) Ken Smith

Ref: auphcd.pysc766m-smith - £4.00  

86.jpg (235061 bytes) Peter Walton

Ref: auphcd.pysc584m-walton - £4.00  

96.jpg (251030 bytes) Peter Stagg

Ref: auphcd.pysc789m-stagg - £5.00  

56.jpg (237308 bytes) Jason White

Ref: auphcd.pysc1104m-white - £4.00  

77.jpg (247345 bytes) Gordon Waddell

Ref: auphcd.pysc740m-waddell - £6.00  



41.jpg (236038 bytes) Warren Brosnihan

Ref: auphcd.pysa921m-brosnihan - £5.00  

  35.jpg (237793 bytes) Deon Keyser

Ref: auphcd.pysa927m-keyser - £5.00  

51.jpg (239962 bytes) Marius Hurter

Ref: auphcd.pysa735m-hurter - £5.00  

53.jpg (252510 bytes) Fritz Van Heerden 

Ref: auphcd.pysa607m-van heerden - £5.00  

45.jpg (228339 bytes) Franco Smith

Ref: auphcd.pysa885m-smith - £5.00  

50.jpg (235305 bytes) Dawie Theron

Ref: auphcd.pysa767m-theron - £5.00  

41.jpg (236038 bytes) Gaffie Du Toit

Ref: auphcd.pysa920m-du toit - £5.00  

33.jpg (237666 bytes) Charl Marais

Ref: auphcd.pysa929m-marais - £5.00  

34.jpg (260127 bytes) Braam Van Straaten

Ref: auphcd.pysa928m-van straaten - £5.00  

32.jpg (253047 bytes) Albert Van Den Berg

Ref: auphcd.pysa930m-vandeberg - £5.00  

38.jpg (233907 bytes) Andre Vos

Ref: auphcd.pysa924m-vos - £5.00  

60.jpg (23487 bytes)  Gerald Bosch

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa677-bosch - £4.00  


  61.jpg (21998 bytes) Jaap Bekker 

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa676-bekker - £4.00  


59.jpg (19385 bytes)  Hannes Brewis

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa679-brewis - £4.00  


  57.jpg (22285 bytes)  Johnny Buchler

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa681-buchler - £4.00  


58.jpg (20039 bytes)  Theuns Briers

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa680-briers - £4.00  


  55.jpg (23359 bytes) Wynand Claassen 

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa683-classen - £8.00  


56.jpg (20158 bytes)  Johan Claassen

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa682-classen.j - £12.00  


  81.jpg (20193 bytes)  Danie Craven

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa685-craven - £25.00  


54.jpg (20147 bytes)  Jan Coetzee

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa684-coetzee - £4.00  


  53.jpg (19678 bytes)  George Daneel 

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa686-daneel - £6.00  


52.jpg (17860 bytes)  Dawie de Villiers

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa687-de.villiers.d - £9.00  


  51.jpg (20866 bytes)  H O de Viliers

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa688-de.villiers.ho - £5.00  


42.jpg (21014 bytes)  Ernst Dinkelmann

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa689-dinkelmann - £4.00  


  41.jpg (23781 bytes)  Roy Dryburgh

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa690-dryburgh - £9.00  


40.jpg (23936 bytes)  Carel du Plessis

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa691-du.plessis.c - £4.00  


  39.jpg (19581 bytes)  Michael du Plessis

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa693-du.plessis.m - £4.00  


38.jpg (23190 bytes)  Morne du Plessis

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa694-du.plessis.m - £10.00  


  37.jpg (20506 bytes)  Willie du Plessis

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa695-du.plessis.w - £4.00  


77.jpg (16091 bytes) Frik du Preez

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa288-du.preez - £9.00  

  35.jpg (19199 bytes)  Piet du Toit

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa697-du.toit - £4.00  


36.jpg (20109 bytes)  Fonnie du Toit

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa696-du.toit - £4.00  


  33.jpg (17621 bytes)  Jan Ellis

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa699-ellis - £4.00  


34.jpg (17742 bytes)  Floors Duvenage

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa698-duvenage - £4.00  


  31.jpg (17165 bytes)  Stephen Fry

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa701-fry - £9.00  


32.jpg (19011 bytes)  Jannie Engelbrecht

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa700-englebrecht - £4.00  


  00z.jpg (192640 bytes)  Okey Geffin

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa703-geffin - £8.00  


30.jpg (23805 bytes)  John Gainsford

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa702-gainsford - £4.00  


  27.jpg (19486 bytes)  Gerrie Germishuys

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa705-germishuys - £4.00  


28.jpg (17794 bytes)  Danie Gerber

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa704-gerber - £7.00  


  25.jpg (19545 bytes)  Piet Greyling

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa707-greyling - £9.00  


26.jpg (17705 bytes)  Geoff Gray 

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa706-gray - £4.00  


  23.jpg (24238 bytes)  Joggie Jansen

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa709-jansen - £4.00  


24.jpg (18716 bytes)  Doug Hopwood

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa708-hopwood - £4.00  


  21.jpg (16383 bytes)  Basil Kenyon

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa711-kenyon - £15.00  


22.jpg (17326 bytes)  Paul Johnstone

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa710-johnstone - £4.00  


  19.jpg (17795 bytes)  Bubbles Koch

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa713-koch - £4.00  


20.jpg (19016 bytes)  Ian Kirkpatrick

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa712-kirkpatrick - £4.00  


  17.jpg (15251 bytes)  Tjol Lategan

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa715-lategan - £4.00  


18.jpg (21512 bytes)  Fanie Kuhn 

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa714-kuhn - £4.00  


  15.jpg (18146 bytes)  Flappie Lochner

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa717-lochner - £4.00  


16.jpg (16482 bytes)  Butch Lochner

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa716-lochner - £4.00  


  13.jpg (21613 bytes)  Abie Malan

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa719-malan.abie - £9.00  


14.jpg (22270 bytes)  Rob Louw

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa718-louw - £4.00  


  11.jpg (19364 bytes)  Hannes Marais

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa721-marais - £8.00  


12.jpg (16423 bytes)  Avril Malan

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa720-malan.avril - £9.00  


  09.jpg (19239 bytes)  Pat Montini

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa723-montini - £4.00  


10.jpg (18840 bytes)  Ian McCallum

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa722-mccallum - £4.00  


  07.jpg (19855 bytes)  Ray Mordt

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa725-mordt - £4.00  


08.jpg (18573 bytes)  Louis Moolman

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa724-moolman - £4.00  


  05.jpg (17156 bytes)  Gert Muller

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa727-muller - £4.00  


06.jpg (20076 bytes)  Cecil Moss

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa726-moss - £4.00  


  89.jpg (17470 bytes)  Tiny Naude

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa729-naude - £4.00  


90.jpg (18435 bytes)  Mof Myburgh

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa728-myburgh - £4.00  


  87.jpg (15933 bytes)  Syd Nomis

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa731-nomis - £4.00  


88.jpg (17471 bytes)  Jeremy Nel

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa730-nel - £4.00  


  85.jpg (16695 bytes)  Eben Olivier

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa733-olivier - £4.00  


86.jpg (16359 bytes)  Chum Ochse

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa732-ochse - £5.00  


  83.jpg (17562 bytes)  Martin Pelser

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa735-pelser - £4.00  


84.jpg (15145 bytes)  Keith Oxlee

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa734-oxlee - £4.00  


  81.jpg (14136 bytes)  Gysie Pienaar

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa737-pienaar - £4.00  


82.jpg (19079 bytes)  Jan Pickard

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa736-pickard - £5.00  


  34.jpg (19995 bytes)  Wilf Rosenberg

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa739-rosenberg - £4.00  


35.jpg (17575 bytes)  Daan Retief

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa738-reteif - £4.00  


  32.jpg (22831 bytes)  Uli Schmidt

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa741-schmidt - £4.00  


33.jpg (21879 bytes)  Mannetjies Roux

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa740-roux - £6.00  


  30.jpg (20369 bytes)  Des Sinclair

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa743-sinclair - £5.00  


31.jpg (20692 bytes)  Divan Serfontein

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa742-serfontein - £9.00  


  28.jpg (20674 bytes)  Nelie Smith

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa745-smith - £9.00  


29.jpg (19667 bytes)  Gert Smal

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa744-smal - £4.00  


  26.jpg (17392 bytes)  Dawie Snyman

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa747-snyman - £4.00  


27.jpg (18295 bytes)  Fred Smollan

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa746-smollan - £4.00  


  24.jpg (20983 bytes)  Errol Tobias

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa749-tobias - £4.00  


25.jpg (19478 bytes)  Theuns Stofberg

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa748-stofberg - £8.00  


  626.jpg (46543 bytes) Gary Teichmann

Ref: auphcd.pysa626-teichmann - £5.00  

23.jpg (18122 bytes)  Fred Turner

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa750-turner - £8.00  


  22.jpg (19857 bytes)  Clive Ulyate

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa751-ulyate - £4.00  


21.jpg (20039 bytes)  Jack van der Schyff

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa752-van.der.schyff - £6.00  


  20.jpg (22376 bytes)  JC van der Westhuizen

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa753-van.westhuizen.jc - £5.00  


19.jpg (21950 bytes)  Moaner van Heerden

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa754-van.heerden - £4.00  


  18.jpg (19368 bytes)  Des van Jaarsveldt

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa755-van.jaarsveldt - £9.00  


17.jpg (18233 bytes)  Rick van Schoor

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa756-van.schoor - £6.00  


  16.jpg (21967 bytes)  Tom van Vollenhoven

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa757-van.vollenhoven - £6.00  


15.jpg (17845 bytes)  Basie van Wyk

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa758-van.wyk - £7.00  


  01.jpg (149075 bytes)  Piston van Wyk

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa759-van.wyk - £4.00  


13.jpg (17248 bytes)  Hugo van Zyl

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa760-van.zyl - £5.00  


  12.jpg (17513 bytes)  Piet Visage

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa761-visage - £4.00  


11.jpg (20166 bytes)  Basie Viviers

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa762-viviers - £9.00  


  10.jpg (18743 bytes)  Harry Newton Walker

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa763-newton.walker - £4.00  


09.jpg (19690 bytes)  Frank Waring

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa764-waring - £4.00  


  08.jpg (18706 bytes)  Peter Whipp

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa765-whipp - £4.00  


07.jpg (20709 bytes)  Jimmy White

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa766-white - £4.00  


  06.jpg (21085 bytes)  John Williams

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa767-williams - £4.00  


05.jpg (20850 bytes)  Lionel Wilson

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa768-wilson - £4.00  


  04.jpg (20010 bytes)  Morris Zimerman

autograph on label

Ref: auphcd.pysa769-zimerman - £4.00  




68.jpg (112654 bytes) Alan Bateman

Ref: auphcd.pywa30-bateman - £4.00  

  67.jpg (123648 bytes) Phil Bennett

Ref: auphcd.pywa24-bennett - £10.00

69.jpg (244810 bytes) Bleddyn Bowen

Ref: auphcd.pywa249-bowen - £4.00  

85.jpg (283487 bytes) David Burcher

Ref: auphcd.pywa506m-burcher - £4.00  

01.jpg (249631 bytes) Keith Bradshaw

Ref: auphcd.pywa420m-bradshaw - £5.00  

  35.jpg (255477 bytes) Chris Bridges

Ref: auphcd.pywa12-bridges.c - £4.00  

84.jpg (228542 bytes) Matt Cardey

Ref: auphcd.pywa877m-cardey - £4.00  

00r.jpg (214848 bytes) Tony Copsey

Ref: auphcd.pywa4-copsey - £4.00  

21.jpg (249545 bytes) Nigel Davies

Ref: auphcd.pywa25-davies - £4.00  

  19.jpg (187224 bytes) John Devereux

Ref: auphcd.pywa256-devereux - £5.00  

82.jpg (244760 bytes) Phil Davies

Ref: auphcd.pywa229-davies - £4.00  

  46.jpg (196885 bytes) Ian Gough

Ref: auphcd.pywa404-gough - £4.00  

64.jpg (130361 bytes) John Dawes

Ref: auphcd.pywa240-dawes - £15.00  

  62.jpg (116105 bytes) Ian Eidman

Ref: auphcd.pywa309-eidman - £5.00  

115.jpg (42281 bytes) Alex Evans (coach)

Ref: auphcd.pywa115-evans.alex-ch - £4.00  

  61.jpg (143611 bytes) Geoff Evans

Ref: auphcd.pywa311-evans - £7.00  

59.jpg (129109 bytes) Norman Gale

auphcd.pywa315-gale - £9.00

76.jpg (254669 bytes) Dennis Hughes

Ref: auphcd.pywa222-hughes - £4.00  

57.jpg (130042 bytes) Ray Giles

Ref: auphcd.pywa318-giles - £5.00  

  60.jpg (143511 bytes) Alex Finlayson

Ref: auphcd.pywa314-finlayson - £5.00  

99.jpg (264497 bytes) Kevin Hopkins

Ref: auphcd.pywa26-hopkins - £4.00  

  58.jpg (98232 bytes) Scott Gibbs

Ref: auphcd.pywa006-gibbs - £8.00  

222.jpg (383869 bytes) Dennis Hughes

Ref: auphcd.pywa222-hughes.d - £4.00  

  56.jpg (145479 bytes) Arthur Gould - PRINTED AUTOGRAPH (not original)

Ref: auphcd.pywa1885-gould - £2.00  

44.jpg (243846 bytes) Lee Jarvis

Ref: auphcd.pywa212-jarvis - £4.00  

  16.jpg (182706 bytes) Dafydd James

auphcd.pywa265-james - £4.00

98.jpg (237462 bytes) Paul John

Ref: auphcd.pywa266-john -  £4.00  

15.jpg (251313 bytes) Dennis John (coach)

Ref: auphcd.pywa395m-john - £4.00  

50.jpg (270094 bytes) Brian Jones

Ref: auphcd.pywa442m-jones - £5.00  

40.jpg (246580 bytes) Steve Jones

Ref: auphcd.pywa339m-jones - £6.00  

12.jpg (189322 bytes) Kingsley Jones

Ref: auphcd.pywa81-jones - £4.00  

  03.jpg (251029 bytes) Paul Knight

Ref: auphcd.pywa412m-knight - £4.00  

54.jpg (108021 bytes) Robert Jones

Ref: auphcd.pywa135-jones - £6.00  

11.jpg (209903 bytes) Gareth Llewellyn

Ref: auphcd.pywa5-llewlyn - £4.00  

70.jpg (168847 bytes) Tavis Knoyle

Ref: auphcd.pywa1189m-knoyle - £4.00  

  84.jpg (239424 bytes) Andrew Lloyd

Ref: auphcd.pywa1035m-lloyd - £4.00  

40.jpg (258698 bytes) Glyn Llewellyn 

Ref: auphcd.pywa270-llewlyn £4.00

  07.jpg (123242 bytes) Andy ( Paul) Moore - lock forward

Ref: auphcd.pywa.143-moore - £4.00  

77.jpg (241026 bytes) Andy Moore

Ref: auphcd.pywa220-moore - £4.00  

  220.jpg (313234 bytes) Andy Moore - scrum half

Ref: auphcd.pywa220-moore.andy.9 - £4.00  

52.jpg (131213 bytes) Rhys Morgan

Ref: auphcd.pywa327-morgan - £4.00  

53.jpg (134938 bytes) Dr Jack Matthews 

auphcd.pywa326-matthews -  £15.00

50.jpg (131712 bytes) Richard Moriarty 

auphcd.pywa242-moriarty - £4.00

51.jpg (111061 bytes) Paul Moriarty

Ref: auphcd.pywa329-moriarty - £4.00  

37.jpg (246164 bytes) Robin McBryde

Ref: auphcd.pywa347m-mcbryde - £4.00  

  14.jpg (251747 bytes) John Perkins

auphcd.pywa355m-perkins - £4.00

26.jpg (248929 bytes) Wayne Proctor

Ref: auphcd.pywa11-proctor - £4.00  

  49.jpg (96457 bytes) Robert Norster

Ref: auphcd.pywa330-norster - £5.00  

48.jpg (148737 bytes) Alan Phillips

Ref: auphcd.pywa332-philips - £4.00

11.jpg (250698 bytes) Richard Rees

Ref: auphcd.pywa399m-rees - £4.00  

38.jpg (241370 bytes) Phil Pugh

Ref: auphcd.pywa679m-pugh - £4.00  

  67.jpg (249075 bytes) Peter Rogers

Ref: auphcd.pywa703m-rogers - £4.00  

39.jpg (241591 bytes) Mark Ring

Ref: auphcd.pywa169-ring - £4.00  

31.jpg (245055 bytes) Brett Sinkinson

Ref: auphcd.pywa687m-sinkinson - £4.00  

91.jpg (138270 bytes) Russell Robins

Ref: auphcd.pywa225-robins - £6.00  

33.jpg (265745 bytes) Mark Taylor

Ref: auphcd.pywa145-taylor - £5.00  

81.jpg (196952 bytes) Richard Smith

Ref: auphcd.pywa870m-smith - £4.00  

  96.jpg (209547 bytes) Mark Titley

Ref: auphcd.pywa105-titley - £4.00  

38.jpg (241878 bytes) Hemi Taylor

auphcd.pywa15-taylor - £4.00

46.jpg (116743 bytes) John Taylor

Ref: auphcd.pywa214-taylor - £7.00  

45.jpg (153306 bytes) Brian Thomas

Ref: auphcd.pywa338-thomas.b £7.00

  17.jpg (18892 bytes) Gareth Thomas - photo and player info printed offline

Ref: auphcd.pywa9-thomas.gareth - £5.00  

00y.jpg (200383 bytes) Nigel Walker

Ref: auphcd.pywa23-walker - £4.00  

  32.jpg (197262 bytes) John Warlow

Ref: auphcd.pywa500m-warlow - £5.00  

24.jpg (251528 bytes) Bleddyn Williams, Wales

Ref: auphcd.pywa50-williams.b - £30.00  

  38.jpg (238173 bytes) David Watkins 

auphcd.pywa378m-watkins - £5.00

40.jpg (145873 bytes) Lloyd Williams

Ref: auphcd.pywa139-williams - £5.00  

  43.jpg (121967 bytes) Clive Williams

Ref: auphcd.pywa341-williams.c - £5.00  

64.jpg (234713 bytes) Rhys Williams

Ref: auphcd.pywa879m-williams - £4.00  

  39.jpg (80962 bytes) Rex Willis

Ref: auphcd.pywa343-willis - £7.00  





68.jpg (258752 bytes) Lisandro Arbizu (Argentina)

Ref: auphcd.pyotar192m-arbizu - £4.00  

  75.jpg (173074 bytes) Dan Lyle - USA

Ref: auphcd.pyotus211-lyle - £4.00  

61.jpg (258473 bytes) Roberto Grau (Argentina)

Ref: auphcd.pyotar952m-grau - £4.00  

56.jpg (213145 bytes) German Llanes (Argentina)

Ref: auphcd.pyotar172m-llanes - £4.00  

38.jpg (138142 bytes) Gregory Kacala - Poland 

Ref: auphcd.pyotpa238-kacala - £4.00  

54.jpg (251932 bytes) Jan Machacek (Czech Rep)

Ref: auphcd.pyotct494m-machacek - £4.00  

53.jpg (238268 bytes) John Ngauamo (Tonga)

Ref: auphcd.pyotto239m-ngauamo - £4.00  

172.jpg (236712 bytes) German Llanes - Argentina

Ref: auphcd.pyar172-llanes - £4.00  

49.jpg (233130 bytes) Mauricio Reggiardo (Argentina)

Ref: auphcd.pyotar953m-riggiardo - £4.00  

45.jpg (250085 bytes) John Tait (Canada)

Ref: auphcd.pyotca228m-tait - £4.00  

84.jpg (144142 bytes) Frederico Mendez - Argentina  

Ref: auphcd.pyotar226mendez - £4.00  

42.jpg (250584 bytes) Paolo Vaccari (Italy)

Ref: auphcd.pyotiy284m-vaccari - £4.00  

47.jpg (241871 bytes) Rod Snow (Canada)

Ref: auphcd.pyotca278m-snow - £4.00  

  29.jpg (243585 bytes) David Tiueti - Tonga 

Ref: auphcd.pyotto497 - £3.00  



b=autographed on reverse otherwise all cards are autographed on the front,

Autographed Trade Cards & Stickers

64.jpg (10320 bytes) Mefin Davies, Wales Grand Slam 2005.

Ref: F20-85-aucd.td-davies.m - £9.00

  66.jpg (35624 bytes) Stephen Bachop, Samoa on paper with Samoa sticker - 

Ref: TF3-33-aucd.td-bachop-sk - £5.00

78.jpg (182163 bytes) Robbie Fleck on Stormers Fedsure card

Ref: F52-108-aucd.td-fleck.r - £11.00  

  65.jpg (46157 bytes) Steve Black - GRAHAM HENRY'S WALES - No 4 of a series of 12 (A partnership of opposites) with autograph of Wales fitness coach Steve Black.

Ref: F20-85- aucd.td.black.s-wach - £7.00

74.jpg (20641 bytes) Adrian Hadely - Wales on Sunday - "World Cup Heroes" - adhesion marks on reverse

Ref: TF3-66-aucdtd-hadley.a - £9.00

  Pro Cd - Tim Horan.jpg (62982 bytes) Tim Horan - Queensland Reds player card (8cm x 8cm) signed to the front

Ref: F8-161-aucd.td-horan.t  - £9.00


05.jpg (18025 bytes) David Kirk - Wales on Sunday - "World Cup Heroes" - adhesion marks on reverse

Ref: TF3-58-aucd.td-kirk.d - £25.00

  00u.jpg (416430 bytes) Jason Little on Queensland reds card

Ref: F52-108-aucd.td-little.j - £5.00  

75.jpg (149925 bytes) Justin Marshall on Ineda card no 28

Ref: F52-108- aucd.td-marshall.j - £5.00  

  58.jpg (10332 bytes)

Ian McIntosh (39/90), Sports Deck Cards, South African Coach.

Ref: F20-85-aucd.td-mcintosh.i - £9.00

F8-52.jpg (25557 bytes) Peter Slattery (22) on reverse -  Queensland Reds - Prime Playing Pointers

Ref: F8-52-aucdtd.slattery.p - £7.00


  54.jpg (38884 bytes) Victor Ubogu, RFU player card, The Prop Forward.

Ref: F20-85- aucd.td-ubogu-rfu - £6.00

20.jpg (72395 bytes) JPR Williams - The Western Mail "Welsh Rugby Greats" JPR Williams, signed

Ref: TF3-25-aucd.td-williams.jpr - £15.00



71.jpg (990636 bytes) 6 ENGLAND PLAYERS SIGNED RFU RUGBY CARDS, ANDREW UNDERWOOD ETC - A group of 6 RFU player and player profile cards all signed by the featured player and dedicated to Martin, the following players are featured on these cards:

Simon Halliday, Rory Underwood, Tony Underwood, Jon Callard, Dewi Morris & Rob Andrew

Ref: F52-110-aucd.tdgp.6.enpy - £19.00



25.jpg (213289 bytes) Rugby World Cup Legends 1999 signed card group. 8 cards from the 1999 Wales on Sunday card set illustrated by Dorien signed by the players illustrated. Signatures include Wade Dooley, paul Ackford, Apollo Perellini, Jeremy Guscott, Rory Underwood, Tim Horan & world cup winning captain John Eales. The signature of the French player in the group (Patrick Lagisquet) has faded significantly. Sold with a COA guaranteeing that the autographs are authentic.

Ref: TB05-aucdfmgp8.wc99-legends.+COA - £65.00


Regina - "Official NZRU 1st Edition"

118.jpg (25392 bytes) Damon Kaui b

Ref: F38-118-autdcdnzpv-kaui - £5.00


  124.jpg (23549 bytes) Arthur McLean b

Ref: F38-124-autdcdnzpv-mclean - £5.00


135b.jpg (22532 bytes) Gordon Falcon b

Ref: F38-135-autdcdnzpv-falcon - £5.00


  135.jpg (23523 bytes) Gordon Falcon

Ref: F38-135-autdcdnzpv-falcon - £5.00


210.jpg (25212 bytes) Ian MacRae b

Ref: F38-210-autdcdnz-mcrae - £8.00


  77.jpg (23077 bytes) Stephen Kose

Ref: F38-77-autdcdnzpv-kose - £5.00


178.jpg (23584 bytes)

Robin Penny b

Ref: F38-178-autdcdnzpv-penny - £5.00


  88.jpg (23724 bytes) Steve Axtens b

Ref: F38-88-autdcdpv-axtens - £5.00


131.jpg (22646 bytes) Warwick Morehu b

Ref: F38-131-autdcdnzpv-morehu - £5.00


  133.jpg (23843 bytes) Warwick Paul b

Ref: F38-133-autdcdnzpv-paul - £5.00


75.jpg (168322 bytes) Martin Berry b

Ref: F38-164-autdcdnzpv-berry - £5.00


  153.jpg (23674 bytes) Malcolm Grieg b

Ref: F38-153-autdcdnzpv-grieg - £5.00








A selection of individual autographs which have been collected on plain sheets of paper or card, occasionally the country, team badge of other information will accompany the autograph, please see the illustration for more information.

The following terms apply to the autographed cards within this section:

clipped = the autograph has been neatly removed from autographed sheets/programmes/books etc and added to an A6 (postcard sized card).

 ips clipped = autograph across photo or name cut from programme or magazine added to an A6 (postcard sized card).




88.jpg (10372 bytes) John Eales - clipped

aucd.et.aspy-eales - £10.00  



  85.jpg (8916 bytes) Tim Horan - clipped

aucd.et.aspy-horan - £4.50  



86-Manuel-Edmonds.jpg (18657 bytes) Manuel Edmonds

aucd.et.as-edmonds - £2.00  



  kerns-philip.jpg (7384 bytes) Phil Kearns 

aucd.et.as-kearns - £8.00  



little-jason.jpg (3976 bytes) Jason Little 

aucd.et.as-little - £6.00  



  07.jpg (8996 bytes) Simon Poidevin - clipped

aucd.et.as-poidevin - £4.00  



09.jpg (9568 bytes) Andy Slack - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.as-slack - £6.00





65-Nick-Beal.jpg (6308 bytes) Nick Beal

Ref: aucd.et.en-beal - £2.00  

  81.jpg (4697 bytes) Jon Callard

Ref: aucd.et.en-callard - £2.00  

french-ray.jpg (6570 bytes) Ray French

Ref: aucd.et.en-french - £2.00  

  spencer-john.jpg (2809 bytes) John Spencer

Ref: aucd.et.en-spencer - £3.00  

preece-peter.jpg (2578 bytes) Peter Preece

Ref: aucd.et.en-preece - £2.00  




63.jpg (8152 bytes) David Burnett (referee)

Ref: aucd.et.ir-burnett-rf - £2.00  

  26.jpg (166032 bytes) Ronnie Dawson - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.ir-dawson.r - £8.00

19.jpg (174885 bytes)

M Fitzpatrick- ips clipped

Ref: aucd.et.ir-fitzpatrick.m - £2.00

  22.jpg (146685 bytes) David Irwin - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.ir-irwin.d - £2.00

23.jpg (158843 bytes) Tom Grace - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.ir-grace.t - £3.00

  87.jpg (174283 bytes) Colin Patterson - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.ir-patterson.c - £2.00

19.jpg (261075 bytes) Hugo MacNeill - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.ir-macneill.h - £2.00

  24.jpg (10392 bytes) Tony Ward, Garryowen, Ireland & British Lions - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.irpy.ward-cqcl - £5.00 

13.jpg (167657 bytes) Trevor Ringland - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.ir-ringland - £2.00

  12.jpg (142738 bytes) Tony Ward - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.ir-ward.t - £3.00

11.jpg (171978 bytes) Pat Whelan - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.ir-whelan.p - £2.00




93.jpg (105178 bytes) Eric Anderson - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-anderson.eric - £5.00  

  47.jpg (88518 bytes) Kevin Boroevich - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-boroevich.k-cqcl - £4.00  

74.jpg (3592 bytes) Mark Carter

Ref: aucd.et.nz-carter.m - £2.00  

  59-Bob-Burgess.jpg (6125 bytes) Bob Burgess

Ref: aucd.et.nz-burgess - £4.00  

72.jpg (8338 bytes) Bill Clark

Ref: aucd.et.nz-clark.bill - £5.00  

    PS Burke 

Ref: aucd.et.nz-burke - £5.00  

92-Robbie-Deans.jpg (16471 bytes) Robert M Deans

Ref: aucd.et.nz-deans.rm - £3.00  

90.jpg (113620 bytes) Ian Clarke - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-clarke.i - £5.00  

34.jpg (11227 bytes) Jock Hobbs - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-hobbs.j - £3.50  

  graham-john.jpg (9138 bytes) DJ 'John' Graham

Ref: aucd.et.nz-graham.dj - £4.00  

86.jpg (106503 bytes) M W Irwin - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-irwin.mw - £5.00  

  mcleod-scott.jpg (5424 bytes) Scott McLeod

Ref: aucd.et.nz-mcleod.s - £2.00  

macewan-ian.jpg (3660 bytes) Nev MacEwan

Ref: aucd.et.nz-macewan - £4.00  

  mackenzie-rm.jpg (3432 bytes) Rod MacKenzie

Ref: aucd.et.nz-mackenzie - £6.00  

macrae-ian.jpg (3813 bytes) Ian MacRae

Ref: aucd.et.nz-macrae - £4.00  

  75.jpg (15002 bytes) Frank Oliver - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-oliver.f-cqcl - £1.25  

84.jpg (112343 bytes) Steve Nesbit - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-nesbit.s - £5.00  

  74.jpg (12921 bytes)  Bill Osborne- clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-osborne.b - £1.75  

oliver-frank.jpg (2421 bytes) Frank Oliver

Ref: aucd.et.nz-oliver.f - £3.00  

  00w.jpg (12609 bytes) Kevin Schuler - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-schuler - £1.75  

72.jpg (11755 bytes) Mark Shaw - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-shaw.m - £1.75  

  skinner-k.jpg (3291 bytes) Kevin Skinner

Ref: aucd.et.nz-skinner - £5.00  

slater-gordon.jpg (5272 bytes) Gordon Slater

Ref: aucd.et.nz-slater - £2.00        

  73.jpg (34673 bytes) Wayne Smith

Ref: aucd.et.nz-smith.wayne - £3.00  

stuart-bob.jpg (2386 bytes) Bob Stuart

Ref: aucd.et.nz-stuart.bob - £9.00  



84.jpg (47500 bytes) Mark 'Bull' Allen - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-allen.m-cqcl - £4.00  

83.jpg (43698 bytes) Albert Anderson - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-anderson.a-cqcl - £4.00  

82.jpg (44593 bytes) Brent Anderson - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-anderson.b-cqcl - £4.00  

81.jpg (42476 bytes) Ben Atiga - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-atiga.b-cqcl - £4.00  

77.jpg (45850 bytes) Marty Berry - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-berry.m-cqcl - £4.00  

74.jpg (41822 bytes) Ben Blair - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-blair.b-cqcl - £4.00  

70.jpg (45171 bytes) Daniel Braid - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-braid.d-cqcl - £4.00  

36.jpg (15182 bytes)  Mick Bremner - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-bremner.m - £4.00  

69.jpg (46217 bytes) Gary Braid - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-braid.g-cqcl - £4.00  

29.jpg (14057 bytes)  John Buxton - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-buxton.j - £4.00  

67.jpg (45635 bytes) Robin Brooke - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-brooke.r-cqcl - £4.00  

66.jpg (55907 bytes) Mark Brooke Cowden - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-brooke.cowden-cqcl - £4.00  

28.jpg (15233 bytes)  John Callesen - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-callesen.j - £4.00  

56.jpg (41609 bytes) Mike Clamp - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-clamp.m-cqcl - £4.00  

57.jpg (48086 bytes) Adrian Cashmore - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-cashmore.a-cqcl - £4.00  

53.jpg (40501 bytes) Greg Cooper - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-cooper.g-cqcl - £4.00  

54.jpg (53652 bytes) Mark Cooksley - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-cooksley.m-cqcl - £4.00  

51.jpg (43503 bytes) Ron Cribb - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-cribb.r-cqcl - £4.00  

52.jpg (44378 bytes) Matt Cooper - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-cooper.m-cqcl - £4.00  

50.jpg (44479 bytes) Scott Crichton - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-crichton.s-cqcl - £4.00  

48.jpg (49010 bytes) Simon Culhane - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-culhane.s-cqcl - £4.00  

46.jpg (43191 bytes) Murray Davie  - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-davie.m-cqcl - £4.00  

43.jpg (44800 bytes) Steve Devine - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-devine.s-cqcl - £4.00  

39.jpg (46668 bytes) Rhys Duggan - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-duggan.r-cqcl - £4.00  

42.jpg (40300 bytes) Andrew Donald - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-donald.a-cqcl - £4.00  

35.jpg (41460 bytes) Nick Evans - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-evans.n-cqcl - £4.00  

38.jpg (41919 bytes) Ian Dunn - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-dunn.i-cqcl - £4.00  

34.jpg (50704 bytes) Greg Feek - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-feek.g-cqcl - £4.00  

31.jpg (42292 bytes) Corey Flynn - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-flynn.c-cqcl - £4.00  

85.jpg (13670 bytes)  Bernie Fraser - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-fraser.b - £4.00  

86.jpg (13726 bytes)  Brian Ford - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-ford.b - £4.00  

84.jpg (14482 bytes)  Blair Furlong- clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-furlong.b - £4.00  

30.jpg (39967 bytes) Stu Forster - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-forster.s-cqcl - £4.00  

82.jpg (14214 bytes)  Bruce Gemmell - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-gemmell.b - £4.00  

27.jpg (39920 bytes) Jono Gibbes - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-gibbes.j-cqcl - £4.00  

25.jpg (44359 bytes) Steve Gordon - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-gordon.s-cqcl - £4.00  

78.jpg (16315 bytes) Wayne Graham - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-graham.w - £4.00  

77.jpg (13360 bytes)  Richie Guy- clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-guy.r - £4.00  

22.jpg (44136 bytes) Sam Harding - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-harding.s-cqcl - £4.00  

26.jpg (47062 bytes) Daryl Gibson - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-gibson.d-cqcl - £4.00  

18.jpg (49546 bytes) Dave Hewett  - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-hewett.d-cqcl - £4.00  

17.jpg (45198 bytes) Jason Hewett - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-hewett.j-cqcl - £4.00  

06.jpg (44872 bytes) Craig Innes - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-innes-cqcl - £4.00  

15.jpg (44102 bytes) Allan Hewson - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-hewson.a-cqcl - £4.00  

07.jpg (45881 bytes) Alana Ieremia - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-ieremia.a-cqcl - £5.00  

63.jpg (14465 bytes)  Lyn Jaffray - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-jaffray.l - £4.00  

94.jpg (50765 bytes) Josh Kronfeld - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-kronfeld.j-cqcl - £5.00  

59.jpg (13955 bytes)  Gerald Kember - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-kember.g - £4.00  

45.jpg (15078 bytes)  Colin Loader - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-loader.c - £4.00  

99.jpg (43431 bytes) Rod Ketels - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-ketels.r-cqcl - £4.00  

86.jpg (45445 bytes) Leon Macdonald  - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-macdonald.l-cqcl - £4.00  

90.jpg (46034 bytes) Danny Lee - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-lee.d-cqcl - £4.00  

84.jpg (42118 bytes) Simon Maling - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-maling.s-cqcl - £4.00  

41.jpg (16972 bytes)  Hamish Macdonald - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-macdonald.h - £4.00  

78.jpg (51021 bytes) Bernie McCahill - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-mccahill.b-cqcl - £4.00  

83.jpg (48115 bytes) Simon Mannix - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-mannix.s-cqcl - £4.00  

76.jpg (48751 bytes) Joe McDonnell - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-mcdonnell.j-cqcl - £4.00  

79.jpg (51259 bytes) Mark Mayerhofler - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-mayerhofler-cqcl - £4.00  

25.jpg (16215 bytes) John McLachlan - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-mclachlan.j - £4.00  

75.jpg (48219 bytes) Steve McDowell - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-mcdowell.s-cqcl - £4.00  

67.jpg (49307 bytes) Keven Mealamu - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-mealamu.k-cqcl - £4.00  

74.jpg (47041 bytes) Brian McGrattan - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-mcgrattan.b-cqcl - £4.00  

58.jpg (45862 bytes) Geoff Old - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-old.g-cqcl - £4.00  

71.jpg (44643 bytes) Scott McLeod - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-mcleod.s-cqcl - £4.00  

54.jpg (48950 bytes) Shayne Philpott - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-philpott.s-cqcl - £4.00  

64.jpg (41542 bytes) Bradley Mika - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-mika.b-cqcl - £4.00  

61.jpg (40570 bytes) Craig Newby - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-newby.c-cqcl - £4.00  

50.jpg (46800 bytes) Graham Purvis - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-purvis.g-cqcl - £4.00  

03.jpg (12325 bytes) Rex Orr - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-orr.r - £6.00  

48.jpg (43448 bytes) Mark Ranby - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-ranby.m-cqcl - £4.00  

55.jpg (41876 bytes) Arran Pene - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-pene.a-cqcl - £4.00  

46.jpg (49467 bytes) Hika Reid - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-reid.h-cqcl - £4.00  

53.jpg (45730 bytes) Murray Pierce - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-pierce.m-cqcl - £4.00  

44.jpg (42911 bytes) Hud Rickit - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-rickit.h-cqcl - £4.00  

51.jpg (52886 bytes) Jon Preston - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-preston.j-cqcl - £4.00  

45.jpg (42471 bytes) Bruce Reihana - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-reihana.b-cqcl - £4.00  

43.jpg (50951 bytes) Charles Riechelmann - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-riechelmann-cqcl - £4.00  

92.jpg (13032 bytes) Larry Savage - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-savage.l - £4.00  

97.jpg (17736 bytes) Bruce Robertson - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-robertson.b - £5.00  

88.jpg (13099 bytes) Graham Sims - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-sims.g - £4.00  

34.jpg (46955 bytes) Jamie Salmon - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-salmon.j-cqcl - £4.00  

85.jpg (13797 bytes) Peter Sloane - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-sloane.p - £4.00  

33.jpg (45127 bytes) Kevin Schuler - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-schuler.k-cqcl - £4.00  

73.jpg (14435 bytes) Robbie Stuart - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-stuart.r - £4.00  

28.jpg (44146 bytes) Bruce Smith - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-smith.b-cqcl - £4.00  

22.jpg (43194 bytes) Joe Stanley - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-stanley.j-cqcl - £4.00  

25.jpg (52305 bytes) Rodney So'oialo - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-so.oialo-cqcl - £4.00  

18.jpg (48136 bytes) Ant Strachan - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-strachan.a-cqcl - £4.00  

26.jpg (48668 bytes) Greg Somerville - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-somerville.g-cqcl - £4.00  

17.jpg (44681 bytes) Glenn Taylor - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-taylor.g-cqcl - £4.00  

21.jpg (45001 bytes) Paul Steinmetz - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-steinmetz.p-cqcl - £4.00  

65.jpg (13248 bytes) Eric Tindall - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-tindall - £6.00  

19.jpg (43526 bytes) Arthur Stone - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-stone.a-cqcl - £4.00  

12.jpg (44757 bytes) John Timu - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-timu.j-cqcl - £4.00  

69.jpg (13162 bytes) Murray Taylor - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-taylor.murray - £4.00  

08.jpg (60992 bytes) Sam Tuitupou - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-tuitupou.s-cqcl - £4.00  

67.jpg (16145 bytes) Neil Thimbleby - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-thimbleby.n - £4.00  

05.jpg (52780 bytes) Joeli Vidiri - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-vidiri.j-cqcl - £4.00  

01.jpg (45450 bytes) Ali Williams - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-williams.a-cqcl - £4.00  

56.jpg (16729 bytes) 'Tiny' White - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nzpy-white.tiny - £4.00  

00y.jpg (41168 bytes) Tom Willis - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.nz-willis.t-cqcl - £4.00  




67-Roger-Baird.jpg (8375 bytes) Roger Baird

Ref: aucd.et.sc-baird - £3.00  

  16.jpg (12060 bytes) Craig Chalmers - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.sc-chalmers - £3.00  

hilton-david.jpg (4493 bytes) David Hilton

Ref: aucd.et.sc-hilton - £2.00  

  15.jpg (11540 bytes) Gavin Hastings - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.sc-hastings.g - £3.00  

mcleod-hugh.jpg (4308 bytes) Hugh McLeod

Ref: aucd.et.sc-mcleod.h - £2.00  

  hunter-gordon.jpg (3382 bytes) Gordon Hunter

Ref: aucd.et.sc-hunter.g - £2.00  

70.jpg (3693 bytes) Duncan Madsen - clipped

Ref:aucd.et.sc-madsen - £2.00  


  71.jpg (7251 bytes) Derrick Lee - clipped

Ref:aucd.et.sc-lee.d - £2.00  


pountney-budge.jpg (4986 bytes) Budge Poutney

Ref: aucd.et.sc-poutney - £2.00  

  laidlow-frank.jpg (5122 bytes) Frank Laidlaw

Ref: aucd.et.sc-laidlaw.frank - £3.00  

paxton-eric.jpg (2711 bytes) Eric Paxton - clipped

Ref:aucd.et.sc-paxton.e - £2.00  


  morgan-doug.jpg (4510 bytes) Doug Morgan

Ref: aucd.et.sc-morgan.d - £2.00  

robertson-ian.jpg (7645 bytes) Ian Robertson

Ref: aucd.et.sc-robertson - £2.00  

  paterson-duncan.jpg (3434 bytes) Duncan Paterson

Ref: aucd.et.sc-paterson.d - £2.00  

telfer-colin.jpg (1438 bytes) Colin Telfer

Ref: aucd.et.sc-telfer - £2.00  

  renwick-jim.jpg (4489 bytes) Jim Renwick

Ref: aucd.et.sc-renwick - £3.00  

37.jpg (5130 bytes) Jim Telfer - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.sc-telfer.jim - £2.00  

  scotland-ken.jpg (2126 bytes) Ken Scotland

Ref: aucd.et.sc-scotland - £2.00  

14.jpg (12418 bytes) Derek Turnbull - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.sc-turnbull - £3.00  

  69.jpg (5136 bytes) Derek Turnbull - clipped

Ref:aucd.et.sc-turnbull.d - £2.00  




68.jpg (5894 bytes) Joggie Jansen

Ref: aucd.et.sa-jansen - £2.00  

franco-smith.jpg (5479 bytes)

Franco Smith

Ref: aucd.et.sa-smith.franco - £2.00  

35d.jpg (10114 bytes) Lionel Wilson

Ref: aucd.et.sa- wilson.l - £10.00

34.jpg (9111 bytes) Avril Malan

Ref: aucd.et.sa- malan.avril - £12.00

36b.jpg (7544 bytes) GH van Zyl

Ref: aucd.et.sa- van.zyl - £2.00

36a.jpg (8639 bytes) F du T Roux

Ref: aucd.et.sa-roux - £10.00

36f.jpg (9149 bytes) RA Hill

Ref: aucd.et.sa- hill - £10.00

36d.jpg (9532 bytes) PS du Toit

Ref: aucd.et.sa- du.toit - £10.00

36h.jpg (10215 bytes) Johan Claassen - tape marks

Ref: aucd.et.sa- classen.j - £5.00




42.jpg (11585 bytes) Bleddyn Bowen - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.wa-bowen - £3.50


95.jpg (94548 bytes) Keith Bradshaw - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.wapy-bradshaw.k - £3.50  


98-Chris-Czekaj.jpg (16679 bytes) Chris Czekaj

Ref: aucd.et.wa-czekaj - £2.00


  39.jpg (12465 bytes) Anthony Copsey - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.wa-copsey - £2.00


33.jpg (28064 bytes) Adrian Hadley - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.wa-hadley.a-cqcl - £3.00


  33.jpg (7980 bytes) Kevin Hopkins - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.wa-hopkins.kevin - £2.00


81.jpg (24885 bytes) Brian Price - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.wa-price.b-cqcl - £4.00  

  jenkins-gethin.jpg (9036 bytes) Gethin Jenkins

Ref: aucd.et.wa-jenkins.gethin - £3.00


53.jpg (92825 bytes) Paul Moriarty

Ref: aucd.et.wa-moriarty.p - £3.00


31.jpg (9422 bytes) Robert Jones - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.wa-jones.robert - £2.00


24.jpg (11462 bytes) Mike Roberts - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.wa-roberts-mike - £4.00


  robinson-jamie.jpg (9431 bytes) Jamie Robinson

Ref: aucd.et.wa-robinson.j - £2.00


shanklin-tom.jpg (5959 bytes) Tom Shanklin

Ref: aucd.et.wa-shanklin.t - £3.00


23.jpg (12887 bytes) John Taylor - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.wa-taylor.j - £4.00


williams-steve.jpg (7944 bytes) Steve Williams

Ref: aucd.et.wa-williams.steve - £2.00


williams-rhys.jpg (13849 bytes) Rhys Williams

Ref: aucd.et.wa-williams.rhys - £3.00



19.jpg (8360 bytes) Keith Colclough, Swansea - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.wacbpy-colclough.keith - £2.00


18.jpg (8522 bytes) Simon Davies, Swansea - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.wacb-sw.davies.simon - £2.00


17.jpg (5673 bytes) Hefin Jenkins, Llanelli - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.wacb-ll.jenkins.hefin - £2.00


  18.jpg (8823 bytes) Ernie Lewis, Welsh international referee - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.wainrf.lewis.ernie-cqcl - £2.00

19.jpg (9316 bytes) Keith Morris, Neath - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.wacbpy-nea-morris.keith-cqcl - £4.00

20.jpg (9120 bytes) Mike Thomas, Swansea & Neath - clipped

Ref: aucd.et.wacbpy-nea-thomas.mike -cqcl - £3.00



40.jpg (5193 bytes) David Hodges - USA

Ref: aucd.et.us-hodges - £2.00






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