IMPORTANT NOTICE - Please note that the condition of the programme in the illustration does not always match the advertised programme, mostly, these are stock images. Please pay special attention to the item description to avoid disappointment. If the description is a generic one, please see below for an idea of what to expect if you purchase a programme with a generic description.

VERY GOOD - The immediate impression is that the item will have no faults. It will look like new or very close to new. For example a slight crease may be only visible to the naked eye on closer inspection. 

GOOD - The item will not look like new but is generally neat and tidy. For example it may have a slight crease or very light wear to the front cover. Any marks such as creases or wear will not be overbearing. 

FAIR - The item will be complete and in a presentable condition. However it will not look like new, there may be very noticeable creases that affect the surface of the paper, the score and other relevant information relating to the match may be written on the front. 

POOR - Worse than fair. 





76-Cardiff.jpg (43246 bytes) Cardiff v Argentina 2 Oct 1976 Cardiff   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrar19761002-cdf - £0.40

78-london.jpg (35399 bytes) London Division v Argentina 30 Sep 1978 Twickenham   good

Ref: RC527-oeprtrar19780930-lon - £0.40

98.jpg (39728 bytes) Wales B v Argentina 17 Oct 1978 Llanelli   fair

Ref: TC14-oeprtrar19781017wa-b - £1.60

89-Cant.jpg (57189 bytes) Canterbury v Argentina 22 Jul 1989 Christchurch   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrar19890722-can - £0.60

89-NAuckland.jpg (65796 bytes) N Auckland v Argentina 2 Jul 1989 Whangarei   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrar19890702no-auc - £0.40

89-Waikato.jpg (58113 bytes) Waikato v Argentina 25 Jul 1989 Hamilton   good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrar19890725-wak - £0.40


89-1947-cdf.jpg (519316 bytes) Cardiff v Australia 27 Sep 1947 Cardiff 11-3 fair - heavy folding creases and slight tear near staple

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19470927-cdf - £3.20

87-1947-npo.jpg (374320 bytes) Newport v Australia 23 Oct
Newport 4-8 good - slight creases and folded

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19471023-npo - £9.00

71.jpg (77079 bytes) Cardiff v Australia 14 Dec 1957 Cardiff 14-11 good - slight creases and folded

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19571214-cdf - £2.40

88.jpg (70047 bytes) Leinster v Australia 27 Nov 1957 Lansdowne Rd 8-10  poor - colouring in, in pen on front cover

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19571127-len - £9.00

98.jpg (32431 bytes) Llanelli v Australia 10 Dec 1957 Llanelli 5-9 fair - creased

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19571210-lel - £7.00

57-London.jpg (32630 bytes) London Counties v Australia 16 Nov 1957 Twickenham 9-9 good - creased

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19571116-lon - £2.00

57-nEATH.jpg (33600 bytes) Neath and Aberavon v Australia 28 Dec 1957 Aberavon 3-5 fair - creased and folded

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19571228-nea - £4.00

57-Newport.jpg (39403 bytes) Newport v Australia 23 Nov 1957 Newport 11-0 poor - folded and creased with nicks and wear to back cover

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19571123-npo - £3.80

57-Pontypool.jpg (38202 bytes) Pontypool and Cross Keys v Australia 20 Nov 1957 Pontypool 6-14 poor - folded, grubby and worn

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19571120-ppo - £3.00

58-Swansea.jpg (42448 bytes) Swansea v Australia 11 Jan 1958 Swansea 6-12 good - creases

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19580111-swa - £3.60

66-Cardiff.jpg (33367 bytes) Cardiff  v Australia 5 Nov 1966 Cardiff 14-8 good - folded

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19661105-cdf - £1.00

96.jpg (28391 bytes) Llanelli v Australia 17 Jan 1967 Llanelli 11-0 good - creased

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19670117-lel - £3.00

66-Lon-Counties.jpg (33094 bytes) London Counties v Australia 12 Nov 1966 Twickenham 14-9 good - creased

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19661112-lon - £1.20

95.jpg (36441 bytes) Neath-Aberavon v Australia 29 Oct 1966 Neath 3-9 good - creased

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19661029-nea - £2.40

66-Newport.jpg (34716 bytes) Newport v Australia 23 Nov 1966 Newport 3-3 fair - creased and folded

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19661123-npo - £1.60

94.jpg (31761 bytes) Swansea  v Australia 26 Nov 1966 Swansea 9-8 good - slight crease

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19661126-swa - £3.00

93.jpg (34101 bytes) East Wales v Australia 31 Oct 1973 Newport   good - folding crease

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19731031eawa - £0.80 

92.jpg (36915 bytes) Swansea v Australia 3 Nov 1973 Swansea   fair - folding crease and marks to front cover

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19731103-swa - £0.80 

91.jpg (36368 bytes) West Wales v Australia 6 Nov 1973 Aberavon   good - slight crease

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19731106wewa - £1.00

90.jpg (28650 bytes) Cardiff v Australia 1 Nov 1975 Cardiff 14-9 good - folding crease

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19751101-cdf - £1.20

75-Glamorgan.jpg (40364 bytes) Glamorgan v Australia 16 Dec 1975 Neath 18-51 good - slight creases

 Ref: TC7-oeprtras19751216-gla - £1.00

89.jpg (34154 bytes) Gwent v Australia 21 Jan 1976 Pontypool 15-26 very good - score to front cover

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19760121-gwe - £1.40

88.jpg (66754 bytes) Llanelli v Australia 4 Nov 1975 Llanelli 28-28 good - single crease

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19751104-lel - £1.00

87.jpg (35441 bytes) Newport v Australia 7 Jan 1976 Newport 7-13 poor - heavy fold, creases and marks to front cover 

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19760107-npo - £1.60

75-Swansea.jpg (38398 bytes) Swansea v Australia 29 Nov 1975 Swansea 6-12 good - slight marks to front cover

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19751129-swa - £1.00

75-sw-Counties.jpg (36326 bytes) Western Counties (Gloucestershire & Somerset) v Australia 26 Nov 1975 Bristol 9-0 good - creased

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19751126weou - £3.80

78-Otago.jpg (33584 bytes) Otago v Australia 5 Aug 1978 Dunedin   good - score to front cover

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19780805-ota - £1.00

81-Bd.jpg (47938 bytes) Bridgend v Australia 28 Oct 1981 Bridgend 12-9 good - slight creasing

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19811028-bri - £1.00

81-Ppridd.jpg (44393 bytes) Pontypridd v Australia 1 Dec 1981 Pontypridd 3-6 good - folding crease

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19811201-ppr -£1.00

81-Swansea.jpg (35950 bytes) Swansea v Australia 28 Nov 1981 Swansea 3-12 very good 

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19811128-swa - £0.60

81-Wales-b.jpg (36856 bytes) Wales B v Australia 31 Oct 1981 Cardiff 10-9 creased

Ref: B101-prtras81wa-b - £0.25

81-Wales-b.jpg (36856 bytes) Wales B v Australia 31 Oct Cardiff 9-10 good - folding crease

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19811031wa-b - £0.60

82-WWXV.jpg (33086 bytes) West Wales v Australia 5 Jan 1982 Llanelli 3-19 good - folding crease

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19820105wewa - £0.80

84-Cardiff.jpg (50789 bytes) Cardiff v Australia 24 Oct 1984 Cardiff 16-12 good - creased

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19841024-cdf - £1.00

84-Swansea.jpg (36629 bytes) Swansea v Australia 30 Oct 1984 Swansea 7-17 good - folding crease

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19841030-swa - £0.80

74.jpg (33666 bytes) South of Scotland v Australia 12 Nov 1988 Hawick   very good

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19881112sssc - £1.20

92-Monmouth.jpg (37323 bytes) Monmouthshire v Australia 17 Nov 1992  Ebbw Vale   good - creased

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19921117-mon - £0.40

PR - Swansea v Australia 92.jpg (45510 bytes) Swansea v Australia 4 Nov 1992 Swansea   very good

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19921104-swa - £1.00

92-Wales-b.jpg (37131 bytes) Wales B v Australia 7 Nov 1992 Cardiff   good - slight creases

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19921107wa-b - £0.60

92-Wales-Stu.jpg (35898 bytes) Welsh Students v Australia 4 Nov 1992     good - creased

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19921104wecg - £0.40

96-Glasgoe-Ed.jpg (39970 bytes) Glasgow/Edinburgh v Australia 2 Nov 1996 Glasgow 19-37 good - creased

Ref: TC7-oeprtras19961102-gla - £0.60


80.jpg (71339 bytes) Cardiff v Sydney 23 Apr 1977 Cardiff   good - folding crease

Ref: TC7-oeprtrasnn19770423-cdf - £0.20



91.jpg (37390 bytes) Wales Under 23 v Canada 1 Dec 1962 Cardiff 0 - 8 good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrca19621201wa-u23 - £1.80

89.jpg (439593 bytes) Monmouthshire Under 25s v Canada 18 Sep 1971 Newport   good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrca19711118-mon - £0.80

71-WC.jpg (34189 bytes) Western Counties of Wales v Canada 21 Sep 1971 Llanelli   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrca19710921waweou - £1.00

20.jpg (79122 bytes) Cardiff v Canada 19 Sep 1979 Cardiff   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrca19790919-cdf - £0.60


57.jpg (71917 bytes) New Zealand Universities v England 'B' 17 Jun 1992 Wellington   very good - slight creases

Ref: TC7-oeprtrennn.en-b19920617nzun - £0.60



12.jpg (253543 bytes) Glamorgan & Monmouthshire v Fiji 16 Sep 1964 Newport   good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrfj19640916-gla - £1.20

57.jpg (36654 bytes) Devon & Cornwall v Fiji 7 Oct 1970 Cambridge   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrfj19701007-dev - £3.80

70-England.jpg (33893 bytes) England Under 25 v Fiji 14 Nov 1970 Twickenham   good

Ref: RC527-oeprtrfj19701114en-u25 - £1.00

70-London.jpg (32340 bytes) London v Fiji 31 Oct 1970 Twickenham   good

Ref: RC527-oeprtrfj19701031-lon - £0.60

70-Wales.jpg (34809 bytes) Wales Under 25s v Fiji 21 Nov 1970 Cardiff   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrfj19701121wa-u25 - £0.80

39.jpg (33563 bytes) Western Counties v Fiji

(Glos & Somerset)

10 Oct 1970 Gloucester   good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrfj19701010weou - £1.60

72.jpg (36551 bytes) Western Counties (Glos & Somerset) v Fiji 10 Oct 1970 Gloucester   score on front

Ref: B208-prtrfj70wepv - £5.00

83.jpg (36438 bytes) Swansea v Fiji 8 Sep 1973 Swansea   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrfj19730908-swa - £0.80

82-Mid.jpg (42503 bytes) Midlands v Fiji 6 Oct 1982 Leicester   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrfj19821006ml - £0.40

82-S&SWest.jpg (33303 bytes) S & S West of England v Fiji 2 Oct 1982 Redruth   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrfj19821002ssween - £0.80

85-Cardiff.jpg (50158 bytes) Cardiff v Fiji 12 Oct 1985 Cardiff   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrfj19851012-cdf - £0.40

85-CrossKeys.jpg (33976 bytes) Cross Keys v Fiji 9 Oct 1985 Cross Keys   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrfj19851009-crk - £0.40

85-Ll.jpg (47113 bytes) Llanelli v Fiji 5 Nov 1985 Llanelli   good - score on the front

Ref: TC14-oeprtrfj19851105-lel - £0.80

36.jpg (52585 bytes) Newport v Fiji 30 Oct 1985 Newport   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrfj19851030-npo - £0.80

45.jpg (53081 bytes) Swansea v Fiji 16 Oct 1985 Swansea   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrfj19851016-swa - £0.40

89-Eng-B.jpg (30993 bytes) England B v Fiji 31 Oct 1989 Headingley   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrfj19891031enag-b - £1.20

95-cARDIFF.jpg (49416 bytes) Cardiff v Fiji 28 Oct 1995 Cardiff   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrfj19951028-cdf - £0.40

74.jpg (543236 bytes) Neath v Fiji

team info

25 Oct 1995 The Gnoll, Neath 30-12 very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrfj19951025-nea - £0.60

95-Wales-A.jpg (70047 bytes) Wales A v Fiji 1995 Bridgend   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrfj1995wa-a - £0.40



79-NorthAuckland.jpg (38792 bytes) N Auckland v France 27 Jun 1979 Whangarei   fair - tippex and marks to front cover

Ref: TC7-oeprtrfr19790627no-auc - £0.60



79-Southland.jpg (42963 bytes) Southland v France 10 Jul 1979     good - creased

Ref: TC7-oeprtrfr19790610-sou - £0.60



84-Wellington.jpg (51762 bytes) Wellington v France 9 Jun 1984 Wellington   good - marks to front cover

Ref: TC7-oeprtrfr19840609-wel - £0.60


  Maesteg v French Police 11 Oct 1950 Maesteg   creased

Ref: B101-prtrfrnn19501011 -  £4.00



76-auckland.jpg (65133 bytes) Auckland v Ireland 22 May 1976 Eden Park   fair - creased and tippex to front cover

Ref: TC7-oeprtrir19760522-auc -  £0.80 



42.jpg (71172 bytes) Wairarapa-Bush v Italy 25 Jun 1980 Masterton   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtriy19800625-war - £3.00



79.jpg (43886 bytes) East Glamorgan v Japan 22 Sep 1973 Penygraig   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrja19730922ea-gla - £1.60

77.jpg (50109 bytes) Western Counties of Wales v Japan 2 Oct 1973 Llanelli   good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrja19731002weouwa - £1.40

76.jpg (45561 bytes) West Glamorgan v Japan 29 Sep 1973 Neath   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrja19730929we-gla - £1.20

83-Abertillery.jpg (32508 bytes) Abertillery v Japan 8 Oct 1983 Abertillery 13-17 very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrja19831008-ati - £0.40

05.jpg (378038 bytes) Neath v Japan

team info

15 Oct 1983 Neath 21-21 very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrja19831015-nea - £1.00

83-Newbridge.jpg (46028 bytes) Newbridge v Japan 18 Oct 1983 Newbridge 14-19 very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrja19831018-nbr - £0.40

73.jpg (42292 bytes) Leicestershire Centenary XV v Japan 1 Oct 1986 Leicester   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrja19861001-lei - £0.80

93-WalesA.jpg (31890 bytes) Wales A v Japan 29 Sep 1993 Llanelli 61-5 very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrja19930929wa-a - £1.00

93-WestWales.jpg (38242 bytes) West Wales v Japan 9 Oct 1993 Narberth 10-26 very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrja19930909wewa - £1.00


91.jpg (58983 bytes) Newport v NZ 'Kiwis' 29 Dec 1945 Newport   creased

Ref: TC8-prtrnz45-np-xb - £45.00

75.jpg (494391 bytes) Cardiff v New Zealand 21 Nov 1953 Cardiff 8-3 fair

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19531121-cdf - £7.00

25.jpg (299889 bytes) London Counties v New Zealand 7 Nov 1953 Twickenham 0-11 good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19531107-lon - £3.00 


1963-11-02.jpg (35808 bytes) Aberavon & Neath v New Zealand 2 Nov 1963 Port Talbot 6-11 poor

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19631102-aav - £3.20

83.jpg (558103 bytes) Cardiff v New Zealand 23 Nov 1963 Cardiff 5-6 good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19631123-cdf - £1.20

1963-11-09.jpg (28259 bytes) London Counties v New Zealand 9 Nov 1963 Twickenham 0-27


Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19631109-lon - £1.20

1963-10-23.jpg (52009 bytes) Oxford University v New Zealand

 (single side card)

23 Oct 1963 Oxford 19-3 single crease, score on front

Ref: B101-prtrnz63-ox - £5.00

53.jpg (375518 bytes) East Wales v New Zealand 9 Dec 1967 Cardiff 3-3 good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19671209eawa - £1.20

19.jpg (291538 bytes) Midlands, London & Home Counties v New Zealand 28 Oct 1967 Leicester 3-15 good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19671028ml - £3.00

1967-12-06.jpg (30099 bytes) Monmouthshire v New Zealand 6 Dec 1967 Newport 12-23 good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19671206-mon - £1.00

38.jpg (50710 bytes) South of England v New Zealand 1 Nov 1967 Bristol 3-16 good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19671101ssen - £2.40

24.jpg (447050 bytes) West Wales v New Zealand 8 Nov 1967 Swansea 14-21 good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19671108wewa - £1.20

1972-11-04.jpg (40485 bytes) Cardiff v New Zealand 4 Nov 1972 Cardiff 4-20 good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19721104-cdf - £0.60


1972-11-04.jpg (40485 bytes) Cardiff v New Zealand 4 Nov 1972 Cardiff 20-4 slight crease

Ref: B101-prtrnz72-cd - £1.50

1972-12-30.jpg (35312 bytes) East Glamorgan v New Zealand 30 Dec 1972 Cardiff 20-9 single crease, back cover torn

Ref: B311-prtrnz1972ea-glm - £3.00

1972-12-30.jpg (35312 bytes) East Glamorgan v New Zealand 30 Dec 1972 Cardiff 9-20 good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19721230ea-gla - £0.60

03.jpg (318240 bytes) Gwent  v New Zealand 28 Nov 1972 Ebbw Vale 7-16 fair

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19721128-gwe - £6.00

1972-11-11.jpg (30041 bytes) London Counties v New Zealand 11 Nov 1972 Twickenham 3-24 good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19721111-lon - £1.00


37.jpg (521578 bytes) Neath & Aberavon v New Zealand 24 Jan 1973 Neath 3-43 good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19730124-nea - £1.40

1973-01-10.jpg (25283 bytes) Newport v New Zealand 10 Jan 1973 Newport 15-20 good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19730110-npo - £1.40

1974-11-13.jpg (33468 bytes) Leinster v New Zealand 13 Nov 1974 Dublin 3-8 good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19741113-len - £2.40

1978-12-13.jpg (46375 bytes) Bridgend v New Zealand 13 Dec 1978 Bridgend 6-17 slight crease, small pen mark on front

Ref: B204-prtrnz78-bridgend- cqslcrmamk - £5.00

78-cardiff.jpg (38471 bytes) Cardiff v New Zealand 21 Oct 1978 Cardiff 7-17 good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19781021-cdf - £0.40

17.jpg (261999 bytes) London Counties v New Zealand 28 Oct 1978 Twickenham 12-37 good

Ref: RC527-oeprtrnz19781028-lon - £1.00

43.jpg (29613 bytes) Monmouthshire v New Zealand 29 Nov 1978 Newport 9-26 fair

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19781129-mon - £0.80

78-W-Wales.jpg (48548 bytes) West Wales v New Zealand 25 Oct 1978 Swansea 7-23 good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19781025wewa - £0.80

80-Cardiff.jpg (43174 bytes) Cardiff v New Zealand 18 Oct 1980 Cardiff 9-16 good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19801018-cdf - £0.60



64.jpg (61382 bytes) Newport v New Zealand 28 Oct 1980 Newport 3-14 very good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19801028-npo - £0.80

1980-10-25.jpg (34851 bytes) Swansea v New Zealand 25 Oct 1980 Swansea 0-32 good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19801025-swa - £0.60

83-LDiv.jpg (36717 bytes) London Division v New Zealand 5 Nov 1983 Twickenham 15-18 very good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19831105-lon - £0.60

89-Cardiff.jpg (49347 bytes) Cardiff v All Blacks 14 Oct 1989 Cardiff 15-25 good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19891014-cdf - £0.60


1989-11-08.jpg (38866 bytes) Leinster v All Blacks 8 Nov 1989 Dublin 9-36 very good

Ref: RC527-oeprtrnz19891108-len - £1.00

28.jpg (329059 bytes) Newport v New Zealand All Blacks

team info

31 Oct 1989 Newport 54-9 very good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19891031-npo - £1.00

89-Swansea.jpg (43128 bytes) Swansea v All Blacks 21 Oct 1989 Swansea 22-37 very good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19891021-swa - £0.60

93-EngA.jpg (41320 bytes) England A v New Zealand 7 Nov 1993 Gateshead 12-26 good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19931107en-a - £0.40

93-Eng-ep.jpg (43328 bytes) England Emerging Players v New Zealand 23 Nov 1993 Gloucester 19-30 good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19931123enempl- - £0.80

93-Eng-North.jpg (40359 bytes) England North (Northern Division) v New Zealand 2 Nov 1993 Liverpool 21-27 good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19931102enno - £0.60

93-Mid.jpg (40858 bytes) Midlands v New Zealand 26 Oct 1993 Leicester 6-12 good

TC7-oeprtrnz19931026ml - £1.80

93-Scot-DivXV.jpg (41381 bytes) Scottish Development XV v New Zealand 1993 Edinburgh 12-31 very good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz1993sc-dev - £0.40

93-SScot.jpg (50226 bytes) South of Scotland v New Zealand 10 Nov 1993 Galashiels 5-84 fair

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19931110sssc - £0.40

1997-11-11.jpg (38226 bytes) Wales A v New Zealand 11 Nov 1997 Pontypridd 51-8 fair

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz19971111wa-a - £2.40

59.jpg (106142 bytes) Wales XV (A team) v New Zealand A 10 Nov 2000 Cardiff   good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnz20001110wa-xv -£0.60

21.jpg (114604 bytes) Cardiff v NZ Maoris 23 Oct 1982 Cardiff   good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnznn-mao19821023cdf - £0.40

18.jpg (55381 bytes) NZ Maoris v Monmouthshire 3 Nov 1982 Newport   good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnznn-mao19821103mon  £0.40

17.jpg (60299 bytes) Swansea v NZ Maoris 30 Oct 1982 Swansea   poor

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnznn-mao19821030swa - £0.40

99.jpg (59871 bytes) Swansea v Auckland 8 Feb 1984 Swansea   good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnznn19840208-swa - £0.60

06.jpg (104298 bytes) WRU Presidents XV v New Zealand U21

Neil Jenkins & Scott Gibbs in WRU Presidents team 

8 Nov 1990 Pontypridd   good

Ref: TC7-oeprtrnznn.nz-u21-19901108-wru - £0.40



71.jpg (40753 bytes) Cardiff v Romania 7 Sep 1955 Cardiff 3 - 6 good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrro19550907-cdf - £1.80

02.jpg (42769 bytes) Pontypridd v Romania 26 Sep 1979 Pontypridd   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrro19790926-ppr - £1.40

67.jpg (33063 bytes) South & S West of England v Romania 1 Jan 1985 Gloucester   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrro19840101ssween - £0.40

30.jpg (82086 bytes) Bonymaen & Swansea & Kenfig Hill, & Taibach 

v Farul Constanta

squads for all teams listed apart from Taibach

9 Feb 1974 date of Bonymaen match   good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrronn19740209bon - £1.00



97.jpg (42679 bytes) Aberavon v Samoa 26 Oct 1988 Aberavon   good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrsm19881026-aav - £1.00

96.jpg (102891 bytes) Bridgend v Samoa 21 Oct 1988 Bridgend   excellent

Ref: TB14-prtrsm88-bd - £2.50

55.jpg (41861 bytes) Newbridge v Samoa 15 Oct 1988 Newbridge   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrsm19881015-nbr - £0.40

89.jpg (101743 bytes) Pontypridd v Samoa 8 Nov 1988 Pontypridd   slight crease

Ref: TC11-prtrsm88-pd - £3.00

96-OxUni.jpg (36438 bytes) Oxford Uni v Samoa 5 Nov 1996 Oxford   very good

Ref: TC8-prtrsm96-oxford-un - £2.00


75-canty.jpg (53523 bytes) Canterbury v Scotland 31 May 1975 Christchurch   good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrsc19750531-can -  £0.80 




20.jpg (44905 bytes) Cardiff v South Africa 20 Oct 1951 Cardiff 11-19 fair

Ref: TC14-oeprtrsa19511020-cdf - £2.40


79.jpg (47528 bytes) London Counties v South Africa

only loss of the tour

10 Nov 1951 London 9-11 good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrsa19511110-lon - £7.00

58.jpg (51335 bytes) Newport v South Africa 10 Jan 1952 Newport 12-6 good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrsa19520110-npo - £5.60


60-Cardiff.jpg (32433 bytes) Cardiff v South Africa 29 Oct 1960 Cardiff 13-0 single crease

Ref: B101-prtrsa60-cd - £3.00

46.jpg (337137 bytes) Ebbw Vale & Abertillery v South Africa 29 Nov 1960 Ebbw Vale 3-0 good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrsa19601129-ebv - £2.00


19.jpg (30865 bytes) Llanelly v South Africa 13 Dec 1960 Llanelly 21-0 fair - light stain to the front cover, creased

Ref: TC14-oeprtrsa19601213-lel - £4.00


60-LondonCounties.jpg (33960 bytes) London Counties v South Africa 12 Nov 1960 London 20-3 very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrsa19601112-lon - £2.40


61-Neath.jpg (36008 bytes) Neath & Aberavon v South Africa 14 Jan 1961 Neath 25-5 very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrsa19600114-nea - £2.40


18.jpg (33780 bytes) Newport v South Africa 11 Jan 1961 Newport   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrsa19600111-npo - £4.00


18.jpg (33780 bytes) Newport v South Africa 11 Jan 1961 Newport 3-0 score on front

Ref: B101-prtrsa60-np - £6.00

02.jpg (552992 bytes) South of Scotland v South Africa 19 Nov 1960 Hawick 19-3 good - single crease

Ref: B311-prtrsa60sssc - £9.00

60-Swansea.jpg (42487 bytes) Swansea v South Africa 26 Nov 1960 Swansea 19-3 good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrsa1960126-swa - £3.60


17.jpg (35389 bytes) Aberavon & Neath v South Africa 10 Dec 1969 Aberavon 27-0 very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrsa19691210-aav - £2.40


16.jpg (32510 bytes) Cardiff v South Africa 13 Dec 1969 Cardiff   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrsa19691213-cdf - £1.20


15.jpg (35497 bytes) Gwent v South Africa 19 Nov 1969 Ebbw Vale 8-14 very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrsa19691119-gwe - £2.40


14.jpg (36887 bytes) Llanelli v South Africa 20 Jan 1970 Llanelli 10-9 fair

Ref: TC14-oeprtrsa19700120-lel - £2.00


69-LondonCounties.jpg (34115 bytes) London Counties v South Africa 22 Nov 1969 London 22-6 very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrsa19691122-lon - £0.80


69-Newport.jpg (36990 bytes) Newport v South Africa 12 Nov 1969 Newport 6-11 3 punched holes

Ref: B203-D-prtrsa69-np - £2.25


69-Swansea.jpg (37794 bytes) Swansea v South Africa 15 Nov 1969 Swansea 12-0 very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrsa19691115-swa - £2.40


94-Cardiff.jpg (50058 bytes) Cardiff v South Africa 22 Oct 1994 Cardiff   good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrsa19941022-cdf - £0.40 



94-Neath.jpg (67400 bytes) Neath v South Africa 2 Nov 1994 Neath   good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrsa19941102nea - £0.60


94-Swans.jpg (40933 bytes) Swansea v South Africa 5 Nov 1994 Swansea   good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrsa19941105-swa - £0.60




94.jpg (122166 bytes) Wales B v Spain 19 Apr 1985 Bridgend   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrsn19850419wa-b - £1.00



74-E-Wales.jpg (33194 bytes) East Wales v Tonga 14 Sep 1974 Cardiff   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrto19740914eawa - £0.60

74-E-U23.jpg (35569 bytes) England Under 23 v Tonga 5 Oct 1974 Twickenham   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrto19741005en-u23 - £1.00

57.jpg (40568 bytes) Newport v Tonga 9 Oct 1974 Newport   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrto19741009-npo - £1.20

55.jpg (34036 bytes) West Wales v Tonga 12 Oct 1974 Swansea   good - slight crease

Ref: TC14-oeprtrto19741012wewa - £0.60


51.jpg (39347 bytes) Breconshire v USA 21 Oct 1987 Brecon 15-9 very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrus19871021-bre - £0.40

87-GlamWands.jpg (34129 bytes) Glam Wands v USA 28 Oct 1987 Cardiff 25-6 very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrus19871028-gla - £0.40

77.jpg (402639 bytes) Neath v United States of America

team info

31 Oct 1987 The Gnoll, Neath 6-15 very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrus19871031-nea - £0.60

  Taranaki v Grizzlies 27 Jun 1984 New Plymouth   small mark to front cover & slight crease

Ref: B101-prtrusnn-19840627 - £2.00


69-Wellington.jpg (43701 bytes) Wellington v Wales 7 Jun 1969 Wellington   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrwa19690607-wel - £1.60

46.jpg (67993 bytes) Queensland v Wales 6 Jun 1978 Brisbane   very good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrwa19780606-qld - £1.60

86-ItB.jpg (31247 bytes)

Italy B v Wales B

2nd Test

Team info

30 May 1986 Rome 9-9 good

Ref: TC14-oeprtrwa-b19860530-iy2 - £7.80




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